Bodom is my band's biggest influence!!

Yeah I hear ya, we were concentrating on making keyboards and drums louder than everything else. After all, it is just for the auditioners...
well... I can hear the influences:D I like it.. some parts more than others tho.. but GOOD! keep up the good work!
wow thanks for the great comment! These are only the first of many songs to come, so we'll figure out the best way to do it and they will only get better thanks to these comments!
I really dig the beginning of Mutiny especially.. that whole song is my favourite.. Now.. I will leave the rest of the forum to comment.. heh
oh just heard the vocals... hmm they could be better but the guitar pwnez
Fucking sweet man. I hear Bodom, and I hear... SYMPHONY X. Tell me you're a fan of Symphony X!?

YOU HAVE TO BE. The intro to Mutiny is SO SX its not evne funny. And SX kills and slays everything ont he planet.
HateCrewDeathroll said:
Yo Symphony X is a huge influence in my music. I've seen them 10 times, met them, talked with them, cause we live really close. Listen to our song "Nightshade" at 2 min and 38 seconds, tell me that doesn't remind you of Symphony X? tell me mothafucka!!

Exactly man, thats the shit
seriously men i loved what you've done...exept the vocal that are too...growling for me...but the guitar and keyboard is really good....Can't wait to see your next song