bodom scales


New Metal Member
Apr 21, 2007
I was wondering wich scales does bodom use most? I know he used Harmonic Minor alot but not anymore i think?
I was wondering wich scales does bodom use most? I know he used Harmonic Minor alot but not anymore i think?
I think they use this one

The scales that Alexi mainly use are- Blues Pentatonic, Natural Minor, and Diminished scale. You can derive arppegios from these scales (using the root, third, and fith note) and use them as alexi does. Hope that helps.
Old stuff was played from D-minor. Like 10-20 solos goes on that scale, and some melodies too... But many things can play on many scale.

I use always D-minor scale.
Does usually (also other bands) make they song from one scale? And what is easiest way to find out the scale what they are using?
Does usually (also other bands) make they song from one scale? And what is easiest way to find out the scale what they are using?

I guess the easiest way is to actually tab out the song. Unless your ear is sooo good that you can instantly identify the key that a song is in.
Does anyone kno what key the song bed of razors is in? ik it seems to be using d minor but in the very first melody in the song at the beggining its not using the same notes as the d natural,harmonic,or melodic minor and in the second melody thats different it doesnt use the same d minor notes as well. im guessing that its using sum kind of mode but not sure. does anyone kno? thanx