Body Switching and Such...


Nefarious Angel
Nov 19, 2002
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First of all, you should all read some Robert Heinlein, great Sci-Fi Author.

So this book, an excellent one it is, tells the tale of an old business tycoon. He is about 90 years old and has been hooked up to life support systems for the past decade. He is barely mobile. More money than he could possibly spend. Faithfull lawyer/friend and young, beautiful secratary that everybody loves. After reading extensively ont he subject, he decides he wants to get his brain transplanted into a new, physically prime body. A few weeks later, he's in his new body. He is in his young, beautiful secratary's body. She had been killed in a mugging. This came as a shock to him at first, but is learning to be female. This lady was married. So far he hasn't contacted her husband. To further twist this story, Eunice, the woman, is still there, sort of. Since the old man was placed in her body, she has still been there, but only to him. Sort of like her body talking to him. So basically she can still think and everything just like normal, except the man controls everything. So Eunice is teaching the man how to act lady like, what to do in certain situations and such. Something that happened before Eunice died is her and the man's lawyer had sex. Now, the lawyer is aware of the whole operation and the man has kissed his lawyer as the female. This brings me to my question.

Let's say that brain transplants are entirely possible right now. Would you date a "girl" who's body is that of your age but who's mind is an old man's? What would you do if you had been for months and then "she" suddenly told you?

Also, if you has your brain placed in a beautiful girls body, how would you handle yourself? Would you try and use men to your advantage? Seek out homosexual and bisexual women?

Elaborate as much as you would like, ask new questions, ask me questions. This was just an amazingly interesting book, I look forward to finishing it. The whole conversations Eunice and the man have with eachother inside the mans mind are so interesting. The title of the book is "I will fear no evil" in case you wanted to pick it up.

Also, sorry about my wording ladies, but you can just switch it around so that you could be placed in a handsome male body and such.
Originally posted by Draxx
Let's say that brain transplants are entirely possible right now. Would you date a "girl" who's body is that of your age but who's mind is an old man's? What would you do if you had been for months and then "she" suddenly told you?

same as if i dated a girl who turned out to be a boy: stop dating him that very moment. beautiful bodies alone don't make a girl or a boy: it's what you thought of yourself for most of your life that counts.
still, i guess i wouldn't date a girl in a man's body either, because i'm not sexually attracted to men in any shape or form. i don't know if this reply is full of bias and contradictions, but i guess it's safe to say i'm only in favour of dating an "all-female" project. ;)

Originally posted by Draxx

Also, if you has your brain placed in a beautiful girls body, how would you handle yourself? Would you try and use men to your advantage? Seek out homosexual and bisexual women?

maybe i could use other men's feelings towards my hot body to have them do what i want, but this is more of a moral issue than anything else: i wouldn't abuse my new "powers" more than i would abuse any other power i might be actually granted, such as banning from the dark tranquillity board all those who don't worship me. :D
i'd certainly look for homosexual/bisexual women and possibly at some point tell them i've got a man's brain.
however, there is a chance that i would just kill myself on the spot. i'm quite touchy when it comes to the question of identity, and losing even a bit of it is usually enough to annoy me to no end. such a drastic change would likely leave me in a shock forever. it's my over-inflated ego, you see. :rolleyes:

Heh, nice reply, but I must question the first.

You say that beautiful bodies don't make a person, well then you would have a beautiful body with the wisdom of a 90 year old man, somehow that sounds like it could make an extremely wise and understanding yet attractive female?
Originally posted by Draxx
You say that beautiful bodies don't make a person, well then you would have a beautiful body with the wisdom of a 90 year old man, somehow that sounds like it could make an extremely wise and understanding yet attractive female?

i guess it would make for an extremely wise and experienced guy if the elder ended up in a male body... it might be me who's picky, but while i agree that maturity retaining the benefits of a young body is extremely cool, gender-swapping seems creepier. if i had to base this on my experience, i think i'm defined - as a heterosexual guy - as someone who has specific masculine thoughts and views, if not about the world at least when it comes to sexuality and how it is perceived. would i ever be able to see sex like a girl if i was in a woman's body? perhaps in due time, but certainly not all of a sudden. i can accept gender-based thinking might wear off in time, but during this same period the body will also deteriorate, so...

Bah, here's something else.

Would the female body produce estrogen and such and make the brain think more femenine?
if she is hot bring her on rahvin!
as long as she is not a female dwarf with her chain stockings I am up for it
who is that torquemada?