
please do tell me the random guys "moshing"/doing-stupid-kung-fu-moves were actually friends of the band...
I live in the same city as this band.

Alot of people hate this band. I have friends who invited these guys to be the "Bisbane Band" at their small local show. They shit in a kettle and also decided it would be funny to smear shit all around the bathroom doors/walls.

Also I believe I read somewhere that they spent nearly $2000 on recording their Ep...
I had no idea where this band was from... but I had a feeling they were from Australia. Reminds me of so many of the hardcore bands I used to come across in Brisbane. Fucking garbage.
Okay, the choreographed "running man" thing is bad enough. I didn't need to hear about shitting in a kettle and smearing it on the walls. When I come to power, adults who do such things will be institutionalized for life.

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