Bohemian Rapsody files and two songs by thrice files.


Producer / Engineer
Apr 16, 2006




Thanks to Hogan for posting the links.
Maybe we should make a sticky thread and post all links to songs we can mix, like these and The Unrest and the Son of Man mixes posted here? just a thought.

Well, I was going to go to sleep when I got home early from work today. Seems it would do me well after 3 days of zero sleep. But with this...I gotta stay up and check this shit out!

Oh my god I HAVE to get this Artist in the Ambulance multitrack. I don't care what anyone says - I love Thrice, and the mix on that album is awesome. No drum verb... wtf!

these files are awesome, very good as a reference as well.
I'm still in doubt whether these files are unprocessed.. they sound so damn good.

anybody got any thoughts on that?

btw, no vocals for Christina Aguilera? or am I missing something? :p
Kazrog did an awesome DM Genie in a Bottle cover.

I got the Thrice TIATA files to work! I had to rename them as part1(1), 1(2), and 1(3) for it to work, but it did! It's missing like one octave guitar part at the end, but everything else was there.

Only problem is that they are definitely pre-mixed. I've been A/Bing it with the real thing and I can get it almost the same with no eq or compression on anything. The main difference is in the mastering, I think - the fully mastered Andy Wallace mix on the album is brickwalled on most parts and has more sizzle on the top end on everything.

That said, really interesting stuff to see - most of the cymbals are in the room mics, as is all of the kit ambience. There's a lot of bleed in the acoustic drum tracks, but they have a seperate track with zero bleed of just triggered samples of the original kit - sounds incredibly natural but really punchy still. I honestly had no clue samples were used on this album just listening to it! But, now I've got a sample set from the album to use on other stuff :headbang:
Found a bit of Nirvana Stuff, but I didn't checked if the stuff works.

Penny Royal Tea:
Very Ape:

Sorry, no harder stuff.

@ Noarin: The vocals of Christina are included. If I remember correctly, they're called lead... or so.

@all: Friends of us "Thorn11" recorded their debut at Backmask and released multitracks of one of their song for a remix contenst, but my harddisk crashed a few years ago and they don't have these files anymore. :cry:

Maybe Andy?

Cheers, Hogan.
It seems that the guitars have been processed. I would really like to know how they got that beautiful sounds, by the way. I can hear for sure an MD421 mixed in there. Any thoughts? Also are there any other Sessions from the same Artist and the Ambulance Album?