Anyone want to do a simple master and bass recording?


Sep 27, 2007
Durham, UK
We recorded a short clip so we can try to get a good quality sound from our basic setup. The raw audio files and the midi drum file can be downloaded here:

The clip consists of two guitars recorded through a JSX with Marshall Cab, a simple vocal track and drums, which were created with EZdrummer. The tempo is at 180bpm and the clip features no bass.

I'd really appreciate if someone could record bass on this clip and offer some help with mastering/mixing. This would be greatly appreciated as I have no real experience with this.

After bass is recorded, I'd like to hear what this clip would sound like mastered by someone who knows what they are doing. Feel free to master/mix the clip any way you like.

Thanks for your help. I look forward to hearing what you guys can do with this track. :rock:
Just to keep ya filed in,----I got the tracks--its late but i will throw some bass on it for ya tomorrow and give it a small mix down n shit for ya
Master?? I could try to master but i only know a little about it (and by little i mean 2% out of a hundred, haha)
So i guess i could leave it out of the picture lol----Peace :kickass:
Thanks for that man, I really appreciate it. Bass track sounds great. I love the overall mix too, it sounds way clearer than I was getting, and the guitars sound nice and crisp. Did you need to do much to them? is there anything that I could improve when trackin (apart from tighter guitar playing lol) We will be recording a few full songs soon and I would love if they sounded this good ;), thanks again man. Great job!
AAHHH!! No problem---I didnt do really anything but i little EQ---As far as improvment just get tighter and be more dynamic with your playin a little i guess, but everything is good.
Just keep in touch i dont mind doing it
i gotta get better myself anyway.. If your only doing a few songs we could work something out i dont mind just email me or send a PM
If you could even send me your mix i would know more from there where your coming from ANYTIME BRO
shit i even do the bass for yas