BON JOVI to dust off hidden treasures from 1st two albums on tour!

I love me some 80's Bon Jovi! I can't get into their recent material, but I can listen to the 80's catalog all day long. With that said, I've never seen the band live, so this sounds like a good time for me to do that! :kickass:

Bon Jovi (7800) opening for Ratt (Invasion) was my first show ever. They played Tokyo Road.:kickass:

Glorious cheese.

Those first two Bon Jovi CDs are just awesome. For us Jersey folks, who grew up in the 80s, this was our soundtrack. If you were 17, cruising up and down the strip in Seaside, it was likely one of those first two Bon Jovi cassettes blaring from your Camaro/Firebird.

:kickass::lol: :kickass:


Friggin awesome! I am 24 right now and every summer since I have been 18 I hit up Point Pleasant and Seaside in my 2000 Chevy Camaro Convertible with the top down blasting the first two Jovi albums while everyone else is hip hoppin and clubbin it up. There is nothing like this stuff. Sometimes I wish I was born in 71 as opposed to 85 but then again I am happy to be a youngster representing this amazing stuff these days and carrying it on. :rock:
Growing up on the Jersey shore I was a big Jovi fan, I would go see them in clubs and when they warmed-up for Eddie Money before they had their first album. The band's vehicle back in the day was a green station wagon ;) Michelle (my wife) was friends with Jon's girl friend, it was cool talking to him about how much he wanted to make it and his plans...and than to see it actually happen! Here is a photo I took of Michelle at the 7800 degrees release party. Sounds cool that they're planning to play some of the old songs.
Love the first album by Bon Jovi. Great stuff. The first half of the album is classic. It would be great to hear more than "Runaway" from the album. 2nd album is pretty good too. Surprised they are doing anything from that because they have disowned it for so long. "Slippery When Wet" just takes me back to high school. Feeling old now.
They played 'Shot Through The Heart', 'Roulette', and 'Tokyo Road' first night of the tour. Lets hope they keep dustin em off for the entire tour. I'm looking for 'In and Out of Love', 'Breakout', 'Get Ready', and 'Always Run To You'.
Bon Jovi (7800) opening for Ratt (Invasion) was my first show ever. They played Tokyo Road.:kickass:

I saw that show. Maybe my 4th or 5th concert... those years kinda blur together. I didn't really know them when I saw them on that tour, just Runaway and She Don't Know Me vids from MTV. This is the first time I've had a chance to see them since then.

I"ll be at the 1st show of this tour in Seattle one week from tonight.