Bona Na Croin


I'm your Huckleberry
Sep 29, 2002
Urban Sprawl, GA
So I figured I might as well do the typical introduction ow that I have begun posting on these forums. Name is Eric, formerly from Louisville, Kentucky, now in Atlanta, Georgia. I am an avid listener of all forms of metal so long as it is well done and worthwhile, as well as a good variety of other music (quite fond of traditional irish and celtic music). I have a thousand and one interests scattered about all over the place, but I am always looking to learn about thinsg irish/celtic, and am always keeping a vigilant, watchful eye on the left of this fair country as they seek to encroach on my freedom.

Other than that, all that should be said is that I am the vocalist and half of the guitar "force" for my band Coronach, whose site you may visit at We have sound files from some releases available, but the band has gone through alot of crap over the past year to finally get to where we are now, so the cd we will be recording this winter, in our minds, will be the first TRUE Coronach release, so bear that in mind. Happy to be in the company of my fellow metal brothers and sisters. Slainte.

Yeah, who knew?! ^_^

Good thing I decided to sneak away from writing my philosophy paper for a minute to play on the UM boards!!

Heading to general chat, then genereal music, then PP3...follow?
I did peruse the PP3 board earlier, considering that I can't do much today...although at this moment I am feeling a bit better. Worth another look, though. I haven't had much of a chance to look at the other forums, perhaps I should...except the Death chat, where I ran across a friend fro Louisville...which was cool.
Wow that's neat that you found a friend in Louiseville on the chat!! Cool!

I'm glad that you're starting to feel better! Hopefully soon you'll be in top-notch shape!

I've got to get back to writing my paper *rolls eyes* I wish I could stay longer, but alas no can do... I might be on later tonight again, I'd really like to talk to you in some other medium than this, yeesh!! *remembers it's public* I'll talk with you soon, hun! Take care darling :)

Sure thing, dear, I'll probably be online later, call me if you wish, I have nothing to do but this or sit in my room with some video games...either way I have been repeatedly listening to the new Avantasia and Sentenced...I think you would reallylike Sentenced if you haven't heard them before...

Hiya sweetie! I'm not sure if I'll be around later. I will finish this paper then I have to get some good rest, I have a lot to do tomorrow (another Philosophy paper actually..)

Sentanced... I've seen them live.. they sucked. I can only hope that they are decent when they aren't drunk *rolls eyes*

Hahahah, drunk? Wow, how professional! On CD they are quite good. Considering some of the stuff you gave me on that other cd you burned, they sound like something you might like. I can't imagine how they must have been live to garner such a strong reaction! ;)

Well, I will talk to you when I talk to you, then. I imagien I will be at work tomorrow, as I SHOULD be feeling mostly back to my old self again, so, hopefully I will speak with you soon, my dear.

Bah! Sentaced could have been good if they were happy to be there (which it didn't seem like they were), nearly falling down drunk (don't hold your beer for an entire song), singing filthy songs about sex and dedicate them to the women (contrary to popular thought, we don't like being treated like whores), and if they didn't follow Dark Tranquillity! All in all, I guess I should probably give them another shot... They have a lot to make up for. As for some of the other stuff on the discs I gave you, what did you think of them??

Yes, sweetheart I do hope to talk with you tomorrow as well! I hope that you get better tonight and that tomorrow feels great because YOU feel great! Heaven knows you _look_ great! ;)

~Sh0k~ ... realizes this is slowly becoming another "Eric & Tammy babble on to eachother" thread... :)
Sounds like they did pretty poorly...I have listened to them for a few years now, they're one of those depressing but half the time tongue in cheek sort of bands. I think its well-done...recorded anyway. I can make you a cd of them and some other stuff you don't like, like U2 ;). Kidding.

I actually like just about all of it but the last two bands, Klank and R&D. The first band...The 69 Eyes reminded me a bit of Sentenced but far more goth-like, whereas Sentenced is more metal/rock-like. As a guy i'm not big on those ultra deep voice vocals, like some dude is whispering his romantic wishes into my ear, but I can deal with it hahaha. Its pretty well done, as most of that stuff is...I really liked that Mother Earth song..I am just having trouble remembering all the bands names...Within Temptation. Aye.

Yes, I will be sure to try and catch you tomorrow, dear...-evil grin- I FEEL great? I would have to eturn that compliment...not to mention looking great...and I like Eric and Tammy babbling on to each other, hahaha. ;)


By the way, I did reply to your post as well, in which I put all lyrics to Save Us Now...Oh MY GAWWWWD! Highspeed Alien Drum Bunny?!
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
Aww, you guys are so cute *grin*

yeah it's pretty disgusting, ain't it?! :lol: :lol:

Kidding, hun :)

Originally posted by Wandrail
actually like just about all of it but the last two bands, Klank and R&D.

Aw man! They're some of my favorites of all time! :confused: I put the harder songs of both bands on that disc but on the way down there, Erik liked more of the mellower kLaNk instead.. Perhaps you'd like the other side of those bands.. Hmm... *rubs hands together in traditional bad-guy fashion concocting new "Almost Metal Comp for Eric"* :) Within Temptation SLAYS all! I played that song for Erik on the way down and he fell in LOVE, I tell you it was magical! haha! He bought the whole damned disc at PP3! Of course, can't say I wouldn't have if I had the $$.. I think you discovered why I like deep male vocals so much! :eek:

Aye yes :rolleyes: There isn't enough time in the day! I keep saying I'll see you tomorrow but I keep sneaking in for a minute or two to write and then I get distracted! hahaha! Isn't that alwasy the way?! Oh and yes, you FEEL good, but I more meant that I hope tomorrow goes well because you FEEL BETTER (from being sick).. but yes, you definately get my vote for feeling great! :worship:

Sleep well and I'll catch up with you tomorrow, darling :]
Bye for now, hun!

Yeah, its okay though, dear, U2 is one of my favorite non-metal bands of all time, and it completely frightened you when I said I was a big U2 fan. ;) We can live with this, haha. I am not into the whole modern 'shock rock' thing at all...if I like anything "shock rock" (other than you under your personage here) would be old Alice Cooper, like Million Dollar Babies. Same goes for the kind of heavy industrial sort of band Klank is, while not Skinny Puppy sort of industrial, still not my personal cup of tea, that is all. I don't know, some stuff like old Ministry I can do, it just depends. I would however, love another cd from you ;) especially if you could get some tracks from those celtic artists...I could use some new stuff like that.

I keep trying to go upstairs and lay down, but I'm too damn bored, so I keep ending up back here. I really hope I'm up to going to work tomorrow, I don't want to get a bunch of shit for calling in two weeks in a row on Sunday. Oh, and I knew what you meant about me feeling better, I was just exercising the devious portions of my mind. My libido has still not run out of energy, hahaha...oh God. Alright, I will be around tomorrow, talk to you then, my dear.

Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
Yeah, but in a cute way. ;)

Well we don't intend to subject you or anyone else to much more this... well.. at least not on this particular thread! hahaha! :oops: He & I have plenty of other places to banter on together :]

Originally posted by sh0kr0k
Well we don't intend to subject you or anyone else to much more this... well.. at least not on this particular thread! hahaha! :oops: He & I have plenty of other places to banter on together :]


Harhar..true..although it is fun to think I am causing people to vomit all over their keyboards from this display of affection! :D