
"Someone tell me quick how...stupid boobie flash movies are heavy metal?"

Could you tell me what being a racist right wing american has to do with metal?, actually, what does such a person have to do with life?

oh please let me know your oh so intelligent answer, i just wet my pants in such excitement
actually, fuck you man, you pathetic paresite. You support war? you support killing another person?,
okay, maybe you do support killing a person.....but do you realise that a shit load of americans and many other nations will die?!??! along with INNOCENT IRAQIS?!??

IGNORANT FUCK!!!!!!, go read a book you fool....oh no, why don't you go play some playstation. Or even better, why not go vote for bush!, the fucking weak bastard who won't be in WAR, but in the comfort of his home, drinking his expensive whiskey, and screwing that ugly wife......and the employees
no, no tolerance is taken to a certain extent. Here we have a fucking racist, and some may accept it, but it's fucking wrong. They have no right to believe what they do, or say what they say. Upon what basis are their beliefs?

There is NO reason for racism, and i can assure you, the racists will rarely have an intelligent response.....rarely meaning that some racists are HIGHLY intelligent people, yet want destruction instead of peace
cough cough "Ventura, California, United States Of We Are Going To Fuck Iraq Up "

"fuck iraq"

look at any of the posts, it is to the left, and to the bottom
"I think whatisaname needs a lil' break from television news about racism "

actually, i hate television, it's brainwashing if you actually see it.

Well of course it is brainwashing, the governments make sure it is that way. Why would they let something bad about them come out!??!

sorry, but that really was insulting
Ohhh, you talkin' about Iron-Flames! Took a lil' time to realize :D hahhahha, sheesh, you shouldn't see too much in certain things however... before yo label somebody as "racist", you should think about what would your opinion be about iraqians who had killed many of your ppl. Dunno...anger is acceptable imho.