
i feel so special this morning, i finally made it into your signature iron-flames.

"And infact, as soon as I'm of age, I'm joining the military."
wow, thats exactly what we need, more angry people who can't see that their country cause retaliation, but they call it "affirmative action"
being given a gun. Well enjoy the army, and think of me when you're in the line of fire, watching your best friends get their heads blown off.

But i will take Eagels advice i think, i'll just keep quiet.

It seems that trying to make a difference in this vile world doesn't do alot at all.
i dont understand why Bush is so concerned with the oil..since were SUPPOSED to be makinh hydrogen powered shit you would think Bush wouls leave Saddam alone and the Middle East...ya..right only in our dreams
>It seems that trying to make a difference in this vile world doesn't do alot at all.

that's pretty much right... some people say that if we all get together, our will power will eventually turn the course of things... but i doubt that, i doubt that so much...
"i dont understand why Bush is so concerned with the oil..since were SUPPOSED to be makinh hydrogen powered shit you would think Bush wouls leave Saddam alone and the Middle East...ya..right only in our dreams"

why have one doughnut when he can have two?
This is my favourite subject. It's all doesn't matter. Wanna War or don't wanna? In this world we are 6 billion people. If not yet, if not 10 yrs later, but sometimes this mankind will fall. You can say it's a lie and you're a one twisted fuck, but that will NOT change the future.

Stop fighting each other. This is a temple here, we a have an own religion, fuckin' rock...
Its not about oil, you fucking idiots. YOU buy into that bullshit, and its sad. This isn't about 9-11. This has been going on for a fucking long time, and the time is up for Saddam.

This has been going on BEFORE Bush! Bush is finaly saying "Look at what the other presidents have neglected to look at, even though they have said they would" and he is taking action.

US gas prices are cheap as hell. We already buy oil from the middle east you idiots.

In all of your fucking news watching, don't you fucking watch the part that says "Don't use your SUV's cause you are supporting terrorists, and the middle east"? THATS CAUSE WE ALREADY PURCHASE OIL FROM THEM.

We are going to liberate Iraq from Saddam, that is it.

Even if we do get go in there for oil, the US would be singing a different tune if we had no gas to run our fucking vehichles.

I'm so sick of it.

War isn't pretty, but sometimes war is neccisary.

Saddam is a bully, and we are bigger then him, therefore we are going to fuck his shit up. That is the end of that.
whatisinaname you always seem to talk a lot of shit and jump to stupid conclusions.. few people will listen to someone who thinks CoB did a disappointing job in HCD
Iron Flames you sound like a 5 yr old You don't even know what's going down in the minds of the dickheads running this country (and the world) or about oil. why don't you go grab a twig and scotch tape and go play with your balls instead of insulting everybody all the damn time.

We all know that Saddam is a piece of shit. (not unlike many many dictators in the world) And I would personally like him off the face of the earth.. Yet Bush and everyone are always openly talking about "war with Iraq". If an asshole needs to be taken out.. why not make a huge joint operation to take him out? like the U.S. has secretly done countless times for many others? Why so insistent on declaring war on a whole nation?

This IS about 9-11 because this nation is looking for any reason any justification to go to war with something... to finally get to use all the state-of-the-art and impressive war technology and machinery that it has spent BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars in.
This IS about Oil and about pride and about a whole lot of other things. In fact, that other piece of shit Bush mentioned Hydrogen fuel cells to take people's minds from the oil incentive, and to pretty much look good in front of the nation. He doesn't even know what the fuck he's talking about.

First of all, Hydrogen is NOT an energy resource. It's an energy carrier. The purpose of using Hydrogen fuel is to minimize pollution. Hydrogen must be obtained from hydrocarbons in OIL. It's a clean alternative but it comes from the same place... Oil.

Second, Hydrogen fuel cells are still not feasible to replace gasoline and it won't be for at least a decade or two. H2 storage and the expense are still too big a big problem.

Third, everyone seems to think that oil is just a fuel source. Oil is humanity's source supply for a shitload of commodities that nobody realizes. Without oil you wouldn't have your computer, keyboard, bags, ANY sort of plastic (there goes modern medicine) Anything and everything that you see around you right now that's a rubber, a plastic, or a fiber.. your clothes, shoes, medicine... It ALL comes from Oil! (with the exception of cotton and silk clothes)

And another thing people don't know is that we are running out of oil. Within 2 or 3 decades humanity's gonna be fucked.. because all this stuff that we're used to will no longer be obtainable. You have no idea how much serious and relevant the issue of oil is becoming and will become in the next few years.
And the middle east has shitloads of oill
i hate when people read a serious and deep going post and simply ignore it and act like nothing >:-(

mag, in a perfect world no one should need to be taken off the face of the earth, but it's a far from perfect world, to such an extent that even talking about killing someone out of a need, seems rational :-(
it's a shitpile of a world, a shitpile of a life and a shitpile of a reality, but i'm almost totally convinced that it's the only shitpile we'll ever know about, at least without blowing our heads off (which is not really an alternative)
i always do keep that keyhole open in my mind, but that's all it is, a keyhole

i wish i could close my argument... i really wish i could do that, it'd be the global answer to all that's wrong in our world, but i can't... so we'll just live on until someone bombs us out while we're shitting in our comfortable toilet, that's how meaningful and deep life is :-(
so you hate the country? not the people?
so who do you think are you killing when you "fuck up" the iraq? the country? :lol:

that's so dull.... don't get me wrong, I'm not joining this Iron-Flames-is-a-racist-campaign, but I doubt you understand really much when I see your sig there... :rolleyes:
He's not a racist.. he just likes to be a prick

EFF: Yeah.. like it's been said before there isn't much we can do to help our decaying world, and in the grand scope of things there's virtually nothing one person can do, and talking and talking about it won't change a damn thing..