Bookworms 'R Us. (wot ja reading?)


Apr 13, 2001
Anyone reading any interesting books at the moment? (I guess magazines and comics DO count)
I've got two on the go, and a third just waiting to be read.

Tom Clancy's Net Force
> My second Net Force novel. About half way through, not bad. The original Net Force was the better - this is #4 I believe.

Douglas Kennedy
> Readng this at work. Found it at Kmart for $3, and it's worth it so far. Although I'm only a few chapters in and no-one had died yet, so I don't really know what it'll be like.

Confessions of the world most notorious rock band. MOTLEY CRUE
> This the book that I'm itching to read. Has had rave review from people outside of the music industry, so should be good for those who don't really like 'The Crue'. :heh:
Let's face it, what havn't Tommy, Vince, Mick and Nikki done!
Can't wait to get stuck into this one.

Anyone else a bookworm?
Well if magazines and comics count......
Spawn, Spiderman, The Darkness, Preacher, Transmetropoliton, Hellblazer, Spawn: Dark Ages, nananananana Batman, Fathom, Sam and Twitch, Punisher, Kiss: Psycho Circus, Aliens vs. Predator and a heap of others. No tintin or asterix though. Im so geeky :D
Magazines include Guitar World, Guitar One, Total Guitar and Terrorizer. Which are less geeky thankfully :D

I cant wait to read the Motley Crue book either, im not a huge fan, but im sure there will be some good stories in it, same with walk this way, the aerosmith one, I keep meaning to buy that too.
I'm currently reading about 30 or 40 books, as I usually find myself buying new books and starting those while I'm in the middle of others, but I currently have the following books as my main ones (ie, ones that I have every intention of reading!).

"The Wrong Way Home" by Peter Moore, about when he travelled from England to Australia without getting on a plane.

"New Cardiff" by Charles Webb, the bloke that wrote "The Graduate".

"Beleaguered" by some bloke, about the rise and fall of the Auckland Warriors rugby league club. Bought it today, but I shall endeavour to finish the other two books before commencing it (even though I've read about 30 pages already!).
I think the last book I read (besides religiously reading the first 2 Dragonlance trilogies) was Contest by Matthew Riley! If you guys want a great read, check out some of his stuff! Great young Australian writer, trully world class! Look out for Temple and Ice Station too!

I'd post a link to his homepage if he ever gets off his ass and finishes it! :D
The first two Dragonlance trilogies are brilliant! "Dragons of Autumn Twilight" is up there with my all-time favourite books (can't remember what the other all-time favourite books are offhand).

That said, I think "Dragons of Summer Flame", or whatever the book that came out a couple of years back was called, with Palin and some other people I can't be bothered remembering, was a great travesty. Could have been great if it was a trilogy, but they had to squeeze it into a single book. Sigh.
I'm currently up the front somewhere of Underworld by Don DeLillo.

Before that was a few of those 3 for $10 type dealy things.

Before that was Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone.

I catch a train to work, which means that I get about 1 3/4 hours of reading in a day, so I'm getting in 2 or 3 books a week at the moment. Although I think Underworld should hold me over for a while.
I'm currently up the front somewhere of Underworld by Don DeLillo.

Before that was a few of those 3 for $10 type dealy things.

Before that was Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone.

I catch a train to work, which means that I get about 1 3/4 hours of reading in a day, so I'm getting in 2 or 3 books a week at the moment. Although I think Underworld should hold me over for a while.
Due to currently completely the HSC (d'oh!!) I have a plethora of books to read. That's right, a plethora. :)

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card.
A Science Fiction book, it's actually quite good. It has almost predicted the internet -- written in 1977, the book talks about "nets", where people all over the world communicate with each other through their "desks" (like individual laptops).

Snow Falling On Cedars by David Guterson.
An attempt at commenting on racism, it comes in the form of a murder mystery set in the US in 1950. It involves the trial of a Japanese bloke (all the Pearl Harbour feelings are still there). Not a bad book, but not great either.

The Skull Beneath the Skin by P.D. James.
This book sucks ass. It is the most boring murder mystery I have ever read.

The Fiftieth Gate by Mark Baker.
A non-fiction book that describes the author's parents experiences in the holocaust. Quite interesting at times, boring at others.

Hamlet by Shakespeare.
Don't mind a bit of Shakespeare here and there, and this is definitely one of the best ones I've studied.

Rosencrantz and Guildernstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard.
This is a play based around Hamlet. It's extemely funny, but the unfortunate side is you need to understand Hamlet to find it amusing.

So, there you go. Year 12 books aplenty. Hehe.
I'm rarely happy unless I have my nose stuck in a book while my favourite tunes are blasting out of the stereo. I had no idea some of you guys were bookworms as well :). I feel a new sense of belonging, but I'll shut up about that before someone suggests a group hug!

Anyway, I'm currently working my way through:

CLIVE BARKER: Sacrament (very good, but not a patch on his Books of Blood short story collections).

JANET EVANOVICH: Two for the Dough (second in a funny-as-hell mystery series about one Stephanie Plum, a bounty hunter who has no idea what she's doing. By pure coincidence, the fifth volume is called High 5 :lol:).

NEIL GAIMAN/MICHAEL ZULLI: The Last Temptation (found it at last!)

I'm looking forward to reading:


SUE GRAFTON: P is for Peril (latest in the series of "alphabet mysteries" by my favourite American whodunnit writer).

NEIL GAIMAN: American Gods

And just so Duellist doesn't mention it first, I regularly read the Hustler magazines that my Nanna gets for me every Christmas (true story!) and any number of electrical appliance catalogues in the hopes of finding a home theatre package I can afford :).

Ive read From Hell :) Rather complex, long and involving, but great! The stuff at the end where they go into detail about the research they did into jack the ripper is even better than the book, its amazing the details they go into and how they drew their conclusions!
Originally posted by phlogiston
Before that was Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone.

So are the Harry Potter books over-hyped commercial trash?
Or are they actually good?

I think it's great that they have got so many young kids into reading. To read anything outside of school issued material is great start in life for kiddies.
School books tend to put them off reading, often for life. :(
i tend to stick to currently i am reading

Chronichle of Australian History-this IS an interesting read
Project UnCensored-there is alot of these books at the mo' im reading the 1994 edition as want to back track a little
Black Coffee Blues-A brilliant Henry Rollins Read:grin:
Eye Scream-A wierd Henry Rollins read

that is all at the moment
Don't read many books just the odd Phantom Comic well actully every fortnight.

Did start The Don by Roland Perry , but havnt finshed it. Last book i think i finished was Walk this Way about Areosmith. Usaully read Biographys and any thing about Rock bands in general.
Originally posted by Spiff
That said, I think "Dragons of Summer Flame", or whatever the book that came out a couple of years back was called, with Palin and some other people I can't be bothered remembering, was a great travesty. Could have been great if it was a trilogy, but they had to squeeze it into a single book. Sigh.

I think I read that one... If I remember rightly, I felt a little let down too...

If you like the Dragonlance trilogies, you've GOT to get The Death Gate Cycle - a 7 book series by Weis and Hickman and they are just simply incredible! So rich in detail! And cameos by a certain befuddled old man too... :D
I always thought the Harry Potter books were over rated nonsense - until I actually read them. Believe the hype people, they are brilliant!

I used to love reading with a passion, but these days I find it very hard to do, for various reasons I shan't bore you with. :cry: Did start a book about animals though a while back, think it was called Kindred Spirits, written by a vet about his experiences with animals and why he believes they are more than just pets to us. Really good, but very sad, so I stopped reading it for a while. Mark has the most fantastic books, but I know I'll never read them. :(
Originally posted by Lord Tim

If you like the Dragonlance trilogies, you've GOT to get The Death Gate Cycle - a 7 book series by Weis and Hickman and they are just simply incredible! So rich in detail! And cameos by a certain befuddled old man too... :D

I have the first three Death Gate books, but I've only read the first one - wasn't really my cup of tea, although I've read it twice so far. I'll give the other two a go one day, I'm sure :)