Boom Cars

Dark One

The Tainted Dogma
Feb 5, 2002
Southwest Florida
Anyone else absolutely despise the vehicles with sonic boom sounding bass noise that's incredibly intrusive and causes your car/house/place of work, etc. to vibrate while it drives by irritating the hell out of you? I do as well and have been trying to look for ways to combat the problem, especially in your own neighborhood.

Interesting information and possible ways to help get rid of the problem can be found at this site:

Excessive & unexpected noise can cause major health problems, especially when being repeatedly subjected to it. Hopefully more laws can be passed to continue to take down this major problem that seems to get worse and worse every year thanks to the marketing efforts of companies that specifically target kids who are part of a culture that glorifies it.

Enough is e-freaking-nough.

LOL - do those cars seriously not get on your nerves Britt?

Not too much .. I have one :headbang: I've got a couple 12" subs, but since I listen pretty much only to metal it doesn't make the kind of noise that rap does. My stereo isn't all that powerful, but you can hear the thunp coming a ways away. I do try to turn it down when I'm in certain areas, and when at stop lights, etc.

Not too much .. I have one :headbang: I've got a couple 12" subs, but since I listen pretty much only to metal it doesn't make the kind of noise that rap does. My stereo isn't all that powerful, but you can hear the thunp coming a ways away. I do try to turn it down when I'm in certain areas, and when at stop lights, etc.

Ah... but see you use it wisely and are not the kind of listener I'd rally against. You're still one of the good guys. Believe me, I crank my metal up in the car when I'm in the mood, but I never let my sound intrude upon others wherever possible. I don't have the big subwoofers, but still, I always make sure I turn it down at stoplights, keep the windows up in residential areas, etc.

You have the good sense to do the same and I have nothing against you playing it as loud or as booming as you want as long as it doesn't intrude on others.

The people I can't stand are the so called "audio terrorists" who make it a point to drive down residential streets or in their driveways, congested traffic, stop lights, etc. cranking the bass as loudly as possible and intentionally bothering as many people as possible in order to make some kind of moronic cultural statement.

I can't stand when it's 3am and someone comes bumpin' through the neighborhood.

Then again, I also can't stand during the summer when people seem to think that you're interested in what they're listening to so they open all the windows and blast their shit. Jeep Wrangler owners tend to be a typical culprit come summertime.

Coincidentally, I watched a movie last night called Noise. It's about a guy(Tim Robbins) who starts freaking out against noise pollution and takes vigilante justice. Pretty funny.
I've always found it strange that people complain about loud stereos but you never hear anyone complaining about Harleys rumbling throught the neighborhood. As much as I find thumping stereos annoying, my daughter has had more naps interupted by some guy revving his Harley at an intersection than by loud music.

Just an observation.
Agreed. The boom cars tend to be more of a problem around here than the motorcycles, which is why I started this particular thread, but you can easily parallel the issue across the board.

People constantly modify the exhaust systems on those things to be as loud as possible, and every bit as obtrusive and annoying.

I've always found it strange that people complain about loud stereos but you never hear anyone complaining about Harleys rumbling throught the neighborhood. As much as I find thumping stereos annoying, my daughter has had more naps interupted by some guy revving his Harley at an intersection than by loud music.

Just an observation.

Agreed. There are a few middle-aged fuckfaces in my neighborhood who seemingly can't enjoy their summertime cruise unless everyone is looking at them and their bike. Of course this is achieved by making it as loud as possible.

But then the flipside are the younger fuckos who rip through the neighborhood on their ridiculous crotch rockets screaming "look at me".

It seems my only catharsis is seeing these assholes getting caught far from home during inclement weather on their bikes.