Bored? Fill out a survey!

Thanks. :)

Just a quick note -a couple of people have sent it to me without the answers highlighted! Make sure you save the document after you edit it and attatch it to the email.
Thanks all!

Kanyon: my teacher said a hundred minimum although I don't know how others are going to manage - there can't be a hundred people for them to ask in real life.

I've got about 20 replies so far lol.

By the way, if you're not from the UK - fill in the survey anyway :)
Originally posted by robin
Kanyon: my teacher said a hundred minimum although I don't know how others are going to manage - there can't be a hundred people for them to ask in real life.

Yeah, a hundred is a lot. I am sure that a few people will just write a hundred themselves :D
Done1 But I think my message got messed up after I attached the file
Sorry 'bout that! My message is coming from the e-mail address: So if it's messed up, that was me :oops:
Thanks everyone! Keep them coming :)

It's for GCSE (English exams) in Business Studies. Most of my friends have just made up the results and I do usually but I think it is pretty obvious when they make them up. This time I did it the proper way. Heh. If I don't get a hundred I'll just times whatever results I get by something to make it about a hundred and mess about with them a bit.