boring fridaynight?????


Pick me Pick me!!!!
Jan 1, 2003
south of Holland
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Hello to all you people who are online right now: what's your excuse to be online on a fucking fridaynight when you should be out getting drunk or whatever?????

my excuse is: I'm at work, what's your's????:)
hehe, I'm home from work and dont feel to go out today because I will protest against the war tomorrow :mad:
yeah everybody should get off their lazy ass and go out tomorrow! Come on people, there are lots of protests in many cities!
now the most important reason I'm doing it is that Belgium has to go on with their current policy.
And if everybody says like 'do you really think it's gonna help' it wont help. You have to be there!!!!!!!!
protesting sucks. and its to bloody cold in canada. with winchill its -40 degrees celsius. and even it were warm i still wouldnt protest because its sucky.
Originally posted by HarmonyDies....
protesting sucks. and its to bloody cold in canada. with winchill its -40 degrees celsius. and even it were warm i still wouldnt protest because its sucky.
not protesting sucks even more :mad:
there is no protest,here'where im studying.too small of a city,just 50.000 people,most of which are muslims,turks etc living in a total different way,so the cannot really care about this,when them priorities are others.
there is no protest here,maybe i can gather some goats and some chickens and go down the street:eek:
It's saturday so no one should be answering this one until NEXT friday :mad:
And that's the day when I'll see my girlfriend again after 2 months of missing her, so I'll have PLENTY stuff to do and will be everything except bored :mad::mad::mad::D