A question that just popped up into my mind...

An opinion, my opinion: it's not rude at all to say "hello, i'm new" or "goodbye for a while" but what i don't like is "i'm leaving" threads in which the reasons for leaving are disrespectful to those ppl who still like to be on the forum. Such as "you're hypocritical bastards" or "die fuckers" or "it's too boring to waste my time on" etc...
toolsofthetrade said:


I take that as a compliment :grin:
Dhatura said:
Hahahah, I understand the caption, Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin will live
don't you feel nostalgia sometimes about those times? :)
bastet is the looking eye on this board so we dont post bollox, our refuge... our mum!

btw is it okay to say 'us' mum in liverpool mode?
drama_queen said:
Ah yeah ? I reckon you don't have any arguments against this statement. IT's an established truth, and you guys had better consider it...


well, i'll answer you anyways.

it's really polite and nice of newbies to open up a hello thread and it's EQUALLY polite and nice for a long-time member to open up a goodbye thread...when he/she is REALLY leaving there were many people on other bands' forums that actually left and said goodbye while leaving.

but, here, even the most stupid asshole can see that NO ONE is actually leaving. thats why it's called drama. it's acting. take frodnat. i have nothing against him (why would i have?). he started this whole idiotic trend of leaving, and he's still here.

are you satisfied, drama queen?

Don Corleone said:
but, here, even the most stupid asshole can see that NO ONE is actually leaving. thats why it's called drama. it's acting.

Well sorry but Duncan has left and I almost have. I SAID ALMOST :lol: Frodo is still roaming yeah, and Mehdi has disappeared (though he couldn't warn us since he was banned, that's true, what a man ! :grin: )
My post, as far as I'm concerned, was just a kind of semi-goodbye and a :wave: to those I'm not in contact with besides this board, like you for instance or Crack Hitler or Achernar ... and I realised after that my thread could be interpreted as a parody of his (still sorry about that mate).
It's become a trend, that's true. But as long as it's not done with harm like 'Fuck you all bunch of wankers', I don't see where is the problem ?!?
My only point was that there would not be all-night-long discussions again with ... all those who I've had all-night-long discussions with on this forum :lol:
And oh whatever... I'm here ... From time to time, but really less regularly...

But don't you somehow think that everyone has become kinda paranoiac after the 'events' of december ? Absurd and tasteless humour have always been tolerated on this board before, like for instance Sue's awful pics huhu (I love them BTW) or some of the clones that you admitted yourlsef they were funny, Don.
Having said that, I'm not defending the most outrageous posts of course ...
And I'm off again because my time is numbered here now :yow: