Borknagar Interview on Digital Metal


May 15, 2001
Hello! The below appeared in my inbox and I felt it was most postable info...(it came in the CM newsletter)


In support of their 5th album, Empiricism, BORKNAGAR is planning a return North American summer tour for the first time since the Kings of Terror Tour in 1999.

When asked by Digital Metal how Norway's BORKNAGAR has grown on this album, guitarist Øystein Garnes Brun responded:

"That's part of the whole idea behind the band. We wanted to make a musical project that's not limiting in any sort of way, and I wanted enough room to move around with the music expression. It's like we're going into Jazz or Blues or something, but in terms of our musical style, we have a lot of room to explore different directions. Also, the music we make is a constellation of a different style of music. The idea behind Empiricism was to make a very diverse album. The progression of the band is great. The music itself is better than we've done before. We've grown as musicians and there was more to it than making riffs and rehearsing to make the album. To progress is not a matter of getting new keyboards, loops or new sounds. To progress is to also use the instruments you have in a new way. Borknagar is still very much tied into the whole nature concept. We always prefer to use this nature thing and the four elements as a kind of scenery for the lyrical content, but sometimes the meaning of the lyrics lie beneath the lines."

Click here for the entire interview Borknagar Interview