Question about Vintersorg (from a Borknagar Fan)


Protector of the Crown
Apr 25, 2002
Atlanta, GA
I really like the folk elements of Borknagar and hear that Vintersorg plays that up a lot with some classic metal riffing added into the mix too (awsome) but one of the best things about Borknagar is the fact that there style of "black" (or not really for them anymore but...) has no retarded satanic lyrics. (lyrics can help make the music, many would disagree with me, but *shrug* ) Im just wondering if Vintersorgs lyrics are stupid like some black metal bands (that I still like but... they just have nothing to say) or are Vintersorgs lyrics meaningful. I mean the english ones are! but I cant read Swedish!! haha so.. if anyone could tell me what some of the songs are about! or tell me if theres any gay satan worship crap on them. thx.~ oh and recommend what you think Vintersorgs best album is! sweet guys.
Originally posted by KamelotGuardian
ok. im stupid there are some translations on the site. anywho. ! WHERE SHOULD I START

Which CD should you start at, or which translations?

Anyway, there's also a thread with a lot of translations somewhere on this forum, but I'm quite bad at finding them, so I leave that to whomever is more motivated than me... :)

I'm sure you've figured this out by now, but there are no stupid satanic lyrics in Vintersorg's music. Pretty much all of them (as far as I can tell) are about nature and her grandeur.
... What the Nomadic guy said. (:wave: @ Nomad). The songs are
all about nature, the beauty of nature etc. Just a couple of them,
Asatider and För Kung Och Fosterland (For King and Country), are
about the glory of the heathen warrior. In a nice way of course,
nothing gory or stupid.
There are a couple of threads with translation, just browse back.

I recomend all his albums and if you like folkish elements, get those two Otyg albums as well.

Dunno if you like Havayoth, Herr Hedlund sings there as well...
but it's going more over to the goth vein... just check the samples out on the site. :)
Originally posted by KamelotGuardian the new english stuff is good.. the gay kill all the christians one is stupid tho *shrug*

Methinks you might be referring to 'Hednaordnen'?
I love that song... :) Don't be so harsh, I mean, look at the bright side. What good has christianity done to mankind anyhow?
Originally posted by Vanir

Methinks you might be referring to 'Hednaordnen'?
I love that song... :) Don't be so harsh, I mean, look at the bright side. What good has christianity done to mankind anyhow?

:heh: Indeed!