born of osiris - follow the signs 2011, thoughts

They were 16 when they recorded New Reign, it's only natural that what they like in music and how they write it changed. I do like that album a lot, but I also think A Higher Place had some very good material on it, while still having it's originality. It just sounds painful.
Mix aspects aside, I really like the new songs. I'll definitely check out the full album when it comes out.

EDIT: Listened to Follow The Signs now... and damn, you guys were right about the mix. Sounds really, really weird... Definitely not typical Audio Hammer quality...
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks bulb's mix was better. The instruments just don't sit on the mix, rhythm guitars sound weak, lead stereo shifting is distracting, the synths are all over the place and what the hell happened to the vox? The only thing I liked about it was the fact that the drums sound better than bulb's (and would probably fit in his mix). Not fond of the idea the whole album is going to sound like this.

As Gareth said, the production should always serve the music. If things were turning out this way it would be better to just stop, go back and try and mimic The New Reign's mix because there's no point in changing something for the worst: while not the most perfect mix ever, it worked to the point of being considered "the characteristic sound of the band" thus resulting in most people's shock when confronted with A Higher Place. And now we get this, something that I simply cannot believe was mixed by Jason Suecof: I mean, I didn't like Dir en grey's Lotus (especially because of the way the vox was mixed and the overall emptiness found in the EP's tracks) but it was nothing like this.

I am disappointed and would hardly call this evolution.
Heard it at home last night.
Yeah the youtube clip is mess, never really heard BOO before so I thought the music was kinda interesting.

Might have to check out the album in proper quality (if its youtube destroying the sound) and listen to some of the older stuff.

Now without sounding like a fan boy.. I would have loved to hear how this would have sounded with joey, I mean layering synths and doing arrangements seems to be one of his strong points.. combine that with a more "natural" sound he have been going for lately. It could have been killer.
Heard it at home last night.
Yeah the youtube clip is mess, never really heard BOO before so I thought the music was kinda interesting.

Might have to check out the album in proper quality (if its youtube destroying the sound) and listen to some of the older stuff.

Now without sounding like a fan boy.. I would have loved to hear how this would have sounded with joey, I mean layering synths and doing arrangements seems to be one of his strong points.. combine that with a more "natural" sound he have been going for lately. It could have been killer.

Well, BOO's music is infinitely more interesting than Emmure's... so, it definitely would have been nice to hear what Joey could have done...
See, I've been saying this to people for ages. Nothing I've heard by Suecof has ever impressed me.
Just got done listing to the new BOO and i actually don't mind the mix that much. It is a hell of a lot better of an improvement then the last album. And i can actually get into the song more then the one's on a higher place. I'm def going to pick this one up when it come's out.
Yeah but the music was dull and devoid of atmosphere compared to Genesis, so the production ends up meaning precisely shit all.
Of course, but if the music's poor then in what way does the production mean anything?
Good music transcends poor production. People still listen to Cynic - Focus, do they not?

Anyway, I'm gonna stop there cos I feel I could accidentally cause a shitstorm if I carry on, which is far from my intention :)
That sort of thing always seems to follow in my wake. >_>
i quite fucking like it. it's got a VERY analogue signature to it and reminds me a lot of Terry Date's work.... the way everything mends. snyths are way too fucking loud and disparate but it's that kinda shit that really IDENTIFIES an album.... so you know it instantly when you hear.

genius? or flat out shitty engineering? that line is as thin and fragile as all hell.
I've had another listen to this song on my studio speakers and I take back everything I said before. I really enjoyed it, mix is ok, yes the synths are a bit weak but the song is cool, its got some really catchy things going on and I found myself humming it later on in the day! Can't wait for the album to be released!
See, I've been saying this to people for ages. Nothing I've heard by Suecof has ever impressed me.

i couldn't agree more it just seems like almost every album he puts out seems to be a let down from the bands previous amazing album. Zuess should be getting the bands that suecof gets i think.

the only real respect i have for jason suecof is from the black dahlia murder albums.
First this is where the the best quality version that hasn't been encoded to garble:

The youtube clip people were offering critiques from sounded like it had been re-encoded about 4 times or more. likely from the facebook to an another MP3 and then to a video that was then uploaded and re-encoded again by youtube.

To say that the recording sounds bad is certainly a stretch. Anyone else notice the relatively tame loudness? Bravo on that. This one breathes! I think it sounds good and I am really picky.

I'm listening on ATHM50 headphones.
the mix is so hollow. the guitars are so fizzy and weak and the bass tone is total shit. its hard to listen to. this band always manages to fuck up their production even with all their resources.
The FB version sounds infinitely better, but I'm not sure what to think of the mix. I do dig the sound of the vocals. The kettle drum synth part at :33 totally fucks with me...just sounds wrong to my ears. Wonder if that's what they were going for? There are parts of the song that I actually dig a bit (1:09), but other parts that I don't like at all. The arrangement just has this cut and paste feel to it that's distracting for me.