I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks bulb's mix was better. The instruments just don't sit on the mix, rhythm guitars sound weak, lead stereo shifting is distracting, the synths are all over the place and what the hell happened to the vox? The only thing I liked about it was the fact that the drums sound better than bulb's (and would probably fit in his mix). Not fond of the idea the whole album is going to sound like this.
As Gareth said, the production should always serve the music. If things were turning out this way it would be better to just stop, go back and try and mimic The New Reign's mix because there's no point in changing something for the worst: while not the most perfect mix ever, it worked to the point of being considered "the characteristic sound of the band" thus resulting in most people's shock when confronted with A Higher Place. And now we get this, something that I simply cannot believe was mixed by Jason Suecof: I mean, I didn't like Dir en grey's Lotus (especially because of the way the vox was mixed and the overall emptiness found in the EP's tracks) but it was nothing like this.
I am disappointed and would hardly call this evolution.