Born Solo

Oct 17, 2005
Kinnear, Wyoming
meh i was up till 9 in the morning workin on that damn solo. its a toughie, but its fun.

of course...its not were near it but i practiced alot on my sweep picking but i almost got it.

on the solo i almost got the sweep picking down. the end tapping part is one i had problems on.

please comment, im excited that i got it down i worked a lot on it. But i need to work MORE on it to get it all perfect.

i did 6 takes recording it and finding out parts i have problems on.

But here ya go! 3.66mb file!
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It does need quiet some work. But I wouldnt be able to play it as good as you did :p. Could you upload a file without the original solo in the background because it kinda hard to hear.
I'd say it's probably a good idea for you to focus on playing the song slow for the time being. Make sure you're getting the technique down... don't jump ahead of yourself, it's the quickest way to mediocrity, as the vast majority of bedroom guitarists on youtube prove.
Tab one out and I will.

I'm going to get started on a whole Psalm of Lydia thing, if anyone can provide a drum track for that I'd save a lot of time; I alternate-pick everything to fuck and back so I don't know how well I'd handle legato stuff, and my tapping is awful because I keep trying to just shove my pinky wherever the tap is supposed to be so I don't have to move my picking hand... I wouldn't guess that I'm getting too far with it soon but a backing track would be a great thing to have around here.

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Steve Smyth said:
Hey LS, haven't heard your rendition of the Born solo yet.
Here's challenge for anyone who wants to take it.
Try playing any of my solos off the TGE album. I really want to see where some of you are at.
i suck way too hard to take it.
but i'm a man and i will.
I didn't decided yet betweeen your first psalm of lydia solo or your first final product solo. I think i will pick the one that is easiest:lol:
anyway, i'm really interested in your lesson thing over the internet when you get it up.
the Psalm of Lydia Sweeping at the beginning will be a hard one because he does very "wide" sweeping cause Jeffs hands are hunormous!

the tapping solo on the final product song i have down but the speed, just need to be able to practice building that one up.

JBroll guru posted his archive of tabs, he has a bunch of nevermore tabs, and you can search on goold for TGE tabs.

i have Fruity Loops and could work on some drum stuff if you want - Guru's Archive
Well guys, I leave it up to you to decide which one would be easiest.
As for which ones have been put to TAB, that I know of anyway, the GW issues with Psalm of Lydia, as well as my little solo ditty in This Godless Endeavor were done for GW.
I'm curious to know if any of you guys are using your ears to figure this stuff out? That's always a great place to start! Hell, that's how I started out leanring!
Anyway, I'm off for now. Will return tomorrow to drop this freaking long overdue update!:headbang:
Steve Smyth said:
Well guys, I leave it up to you to decide which one would be easiest.
As for which ones have been put to TAB, that I know of anyway, the GW issues with Psalm of Lydia, as well as my little solo ditty in This Godless Endeavor were done for GW.
I'm curious to know if any of you guys are using your ears to figure this stuff out? That's always a great place to start! Hell, that's how I started out leanring!
Anyway, I'm off for now. Will return tomorrow to drop this freaking long overdue update!:headbang:

thats how i did most of the solo on Born, lot of ear training.

what else do i need to work on on my solo Steve?
Liverslapper said:
thats how i did most of the solo on Born, lot of ear training.

what else do i need to work on on my solo Steve?
then you have pretty good ears. And by that i mean good ears.
tonight i figured out by ear a famous opera passage from the "Carmen" Opera by Bizzette. (dunno how to spell his name). I will drop a recording tomorrow, since now everyone is sleeping in here, but me
i've listened to so much nevermore and Born that i know the tune in my head.

i also have the born tab, but i figured if i did it by ear it would be a little bit easier. thats why the solo is a bit off because i tried doing it by ear.
I like your idea of a challenge Steve! Other than your sweep lick from TGE and your solo on Psalm, which others did you do? I don't have my booklet in front of me as I'm at work at the moment hahaha.

Dickin around on company time ftw!

The Psalm of Lydia solos aren't as long as many other Nevermore solos, so I think those would be a good place to start.

I am, however, currently working on a different backing track entirely just to throw out as a little competition, so I may end up PMing you with a link, Liverslapper, just to see if you can put down some drums under it.

what about we start a forum solo competition. Steve starts if he wants by posting a backing track, we improvise over it, upload it and in a poll we vote which one we like best. the winner gets to come up with the next backing track. the solos shold be annonymous i mean labele solo1, 2,3 whatever, and at the end the winner is revealed.
I copied this idea from JP's forum kinda and from metallicabb's musicians corner, they did this a while ago, but it stopped cause some retard mod banned some people.
what do you think?