Funeral Portrait Solo Question


Black Ros Mortal!! METAL!
Oct 4, 2007
Greeting Fellow Opethians, I am currently working on the Funeral Portrait on guitar and I got the solos all down and its been making me wonder whos solo's are these. To me all the solos sound like Peter Lindgrens, especially the very last one during the outro, with the sweep picking, you can tell thats Peters playing. But what about the main one about halve way through, I think its Mikael and Peter going back and forth between those solos, like in Fair Judgement. Anyone know for sure? Thanks :rock:
Greeting Fellow Opethians, I am currently working on the Funeral Portrait on guitar and I got the solos all down and its been making me wonder whos solo's are these. To me all the solos sound like Peter Lindgrens, especially the very last one during the outro, with the sweep picking, you can tell thats Peters playing. But what about the main one about halve way through, I think its Mikael and Peter going back and forth between those solos, like in Fair Judgement. Anyone know for sure? Thanks :rock:

They're trading off, you can hear them overlapping at the ends of their sections. There's 4 different little solos in a row, I think peter plays 1 and 3 since the 3rd one has the same kind of arpeggios he always uses. I think they traded off the time they played it live, but I don't really remember and can't remember where I have that bootleg saved.
I learned that whole song on guitar, really fun to play and yea I think its one of their best solos too... would be cool to hear Frederik play that part if they play it live