My The Funeral Portrait Interpretation


This is the Almighty:
Oct 8, 2003
Berlin Germany
as I got very positive feedback last time, I felt again like contributing some more interpretation now on one Blackwater song, even thought is my least favourite album, it doesn't mean is bad. Hope you enjoy.

You wait by the window
Morning’s breath on the sill
Idle hands given another try
So you wait and you savour the moment
Outside the canvas turned white
Ruby eyes in the fog

A catchy and haunting acoustic guitar riff introduces us to this song. Thirty seconds, and the other instruments are added while the soft guitar of the beginning goes on. We are around the first minute mark and the first stanza starts off.
Right in the first line “you wait by the window” we are introduced to two characters: a speaker and a literal “you.” We are in the morning and it must be cold outside for we can see water drops (nice metaphor here “morning’s breath”) on the window sill. The foggy weather is another reference to the fact that it is cold. However, there is a contrast here for it is not uncomfortable. “Hands” that cannot be used (“idle”) are touched so the person waits and enjoys with pleasure this caress. While this person being touched is inside home, the canvas is white! “Canvas” is what artists use for painting, and this word is directly connected with the title “portrait.” The fact that the hands are “idle” can also imply here that the person is dead but now is found under a living state. This person must leave home. It is his/her own funeral. “Ruby eyes,” meaning the dark red colour of those eyes are in the fog, outside. Nice synecdoche to represent an out-of-this world character for I have never met any human being with such eyes colour.

Rain washing clean all the sins
A liquid gown that covers all
Your loathe turns endless
Opened mirage soothes your sense
Locked on the pinnacle
The best secret within

It is raining: third reference to this cold, foggy and now rainy weather. If it cleans all the sins, then water here is opposed to infernal fire: salvation or damnation. “Your loathe turns endless” shows that this “you” is really reluctant to leave, which is probably making somebody lose his/her nerves. “Opened mirage”: this “unreal” feeling of touch (a mirage happens in the dessert, when it is too warm and you see illusions which are not really there) eases the person’s feelings. Let us remember s/he is just dead. It is his/her funeral outside. “The pinnacle,” the dead does not want to leave at all since the enjoyment is so great… The touching of the hands from before gives me the sense s/he is with his/her lover… It could be just God’s protection as well.

Like a derelict child
Heart burning for a stranger
Ascending to the meek
Flock round the liars in awe

This stanza refers to the “ruby eyes” character. He is like homeless or deprived of all property, with “heart burning,” really wanting to get this person to hell with him even thought s/he is a stranger to him. There is a clear contrast between good and evil, heaven and hell, but the good, the saved ones, are referred here with a bad connotation: the word “meek” is used to talk about someone gentle and quiet ready to do what others want without expressing his/her own opinion. It is as if this person is being saved, the touch can be from God, but the imperative from the devil is coming to mean something like “stay here in the suffering!”

Caked in the soil beneath
Fear me when we meet
Turn away in admiration
My firm grip round the nucleus of joy

The first line here is a reference to the burial. The dead body is interred. “Caked” means being covered by something soft which with the spell of time will become hard substance. The actual fight is taking place in the afterlife. Again this devil goes on using imperatives and commands: “fear me,” “turn away,” and an implied “admire me… I have got power, so much, because the whole idea of hell is enjoying, doing the forbidden things, which are the ones giving most pleasure.”

Enough of this
You will leave me now
You will see it now
Perish at my hands

Finally, the demon has lost his nerves completely; he is fed up with waiting and is determined to take definite action. At this point, a climax in this song, we find the guitar solo.

Close to you
Tangled up in hair
Fresh stigma looks
Shall I take you with me
And it is cold
Ruby eyes in the fog
It is me

This being has taken this guy with him. Now he is a possession of the devil. We are no longer inside and under the protection of a home. “It is cold,” reminds us the text, “ruby eyes in the fog.” The dead person will descend to hell.

And you are just like them all
Stained by the names of fathers
I’m greeting my downward fall
Leaving the throes to others

The person here welcomes his death and final fall to hell and waves life goodbye. The “throes” are violent pains at the time of dying… he is now rid of them. I like the way Mikael played here with the two words: “throes” and “others,” with the same letters, two words, a perfect way to say goodbye.
That was very nice, but I really can't see how you could've been fucked doing it! haha. Of all of Opeth's music, the lyrics on each and every song are the parts I'm least acquainted with. I've never really been much into lyrics and interpretations, especially since in most metal the music is written first and the vocals are just thrown in to 'fill the gap' so to speak. Nonetheless, very nice.
Why don't you provide a musical interpretation for that song, so to speak, and we see whether there's a kind of conection with the lyrics? Second thing, if lyrics are there just to fill the gap, why the fuck are people so obsessed with the idea of concept albums? Of course I assume, then, you don't apreciate bands like My Dying Bride or Draconian. Probably they're not the main part of metal but this is what I like.
Demoke said:
I'm interested in knowing other views. I'm not holding the truth, just a point of view!

Surely, but I wouldn't want to post a sub-par interpretation so I'm not gonna give any insight to mine at least yet.
Demoke said:
Enough of this
You will leave me now
You will see it now
Perish at my hands

Finally, the demon has lost his nerves completely; he is fed up with waiting and is determined to take definite action. At this point, a climax in this song, we find the guitar solo.
I'm jsut curious, what could it be that's perishing at teh persons hand, and what does he see? It seems like the thing he sees is the thing that perishes at his hands.
Your interpretation just made me realize how visual these lyrics are. Though I did not not interpret these lyrics literally, I did however interpret them visually. This song definitely paints a picture in my head now that I've actually examined the lyrics. Hats off to Opeth.

And good job on your interpretation.