And by that I mean guitar gear, sorry, no fancy outboard comps or anything 
My own personal EP (done under the name "Crowborn", you can follow me on Facebook if you like - is nearly finished being written, and I'm at the stage of doing final guitar DI's.
There are a couple of tracks where I feel the guitars could do with a real stoner/doom vibe (even though it's not that style of music, but some of the riffs definitely have that feel) and would suit that old 70's hard rock tone. One of my friends (guitarist from black metal band Terra) has some amazing vintage guitar gear, and was kind enough to let me borrow some of it
Original 1974 Sunn Model T
80's ProCo Rat
1980 Silverburst Les Paul Custom
Particularly looking forward to kicking that Sunn up the ass with the Rat!

My own personal EP (done under the name "Crowborn", you can follow me on Facebook if you like - is nearly finished being written, and I'm at the stage of doing final guitar DI's.
There are a couple of tracks where I feel the guitars could do with a real stoner/doom vibe (even though it's not that style of music, but some of the riffs definitely have that feel) and would suit that old 70's hard rock tone. One of my friends (guitarist from black metal band Terra) has some amazing vintage guitar gear, and was kind enough to let me borrow some of it
Original 1974 Sunn Model T
80's ProCo Rat
1980 Silverburst Les Paul Custom
Particularly looking forward to kicking that Sunn up the ass with the Rat!