Boss Metal Core ML-2 Thru Amp Sim


Metal Scientist
Jun 17, 2008
Melbourne, Australia

The guitar sound in this sound test has been created
by connecting the output of the stomp box ( ML-2 )
directly to the cabinet sim in Revalver MkIII.

The resulting sound was a little to artifical so I
mixed in a little bit of real amp sound ( played thru the ML-2 ).

What do you think ?

I think the resulting sound is a little odd but has potential,
has anyone has success doing something like this ?
I thought about getting a Boss Metal Core myself, but figured the pedal felt forced.. rather it just didn't sound natural.

I think you would get a much better idea if this would work if you recorded two guitars playing those riffs, one panned right, the other left.
Right now in mono it is hard for me to judge.