long has this forum grown lazy and complacent, the glossed over look of docile grazing cows upon every sad face, but FEAR NOT my children, for a NEW ORDER has arrived to deliver you from your slack-jawed semi-existence
ladies and gentlemen, i introduce to you one member of your new RULING DUO OF DYNAMIC POWER
with the amazing freakish ability to SEAL all flavor with a single PRESS, i give you
SARANICUS destroyer of worlds and retainer of freshness
stay tuned for my triumphant partner in UNRULY AWESOMENESS
ladies and gentlemen, i introduce to you one member of your new RULING DUO OF DYNAMIC POWER
with the amazing freakish ability to SEAL all flavor with a single PRESS, i give you
SARANICUS destroyer of worlds and retainer of freshness
stay tuned for my triumphant partner in UNRULY AWESOMENESS