Brainstorm interviews


Child of the Damned
Jan 25, 2002
If you find cool interviews of band members for the new album, please post the links here ;)

Right now I've only found one, and it's in french :erk: (except from Andy's drawing at the end eheh)

Funniest part of the interview, when Andy talks about the cover, so now don't blame us Gauny and Marlies!!

Here's the translation of that part :
Q : how did you choose the artwork?
Andy : (laughs) hey look, that's obvious!! come on, the breasts, the breasts!!! We had time to select an artwork, and we loved that one...


Then he gives the real reason eheh, it's for the "Trinity of Lust" trilogy.
The rest of the interview is a bit long to be translated though, sorry... he talks about the DVD, Brainstorm's own sound, their dark elements, the last tour, etc. if we didn't know why that chick ended up on the cover :D

That interview is a bit too much French for times of French lessons in school are too long ago :rolleyes: I get the idea but that's it (better than nothing, still ;) )
But this thread is still a good idea, Flo!! As soon as I come across a new interview I will surely post the link here :)
Gaunerin said:
This would also be a great opportunity for new merchandise......... BREASTORM girlie-shirts :D
mwhahahahaaaa... that would be awesome :p
But not on the regular shirts please, I don't want to wear a Breastorm shirt ahah