Brainstorm is already several bands? o.o


Apr 5, 2003
My friend and I were trying to think of a band name for our band, so he was like, let's brain storm... so I said heh, why not Brainstorm? (cause I'm lazy and didnt want to think of a name)

Anyway I got to and find out there are like 5 or 6 brainstorm bands, and then I came here and noticed there was a forum! Why are there so many brainstorms, and how do I know which one this forum belongs to? :ill:

Sorry.. I'm confused!!1 And slightly upset x_x
Are they any good? I guess I will have to download some of their stuff and see if I like it, and then buy the CD I guess..

How is it possible that there are so many Brainstorms though? Isn't that illegal or something? If I go to and try to buy Brainstorm CDs, it'll show all the cds from all the brainstorm bands? x_X
Hmm i think since theres no copyright laws on that (at least here in germany) there are no problems with having a name of the band twice or more... or have you ever seen metallica™? or something like that?

Yeah Brainstorm is cool i think, of course it behaves on your taste of music but its nice powermetal :-)

Try to find the downloads in the discography section on their homepage, they're legally to download and it are some of the bests ;-)

you actually have to distinguish between copyright and trademark as these are two different things. and I'm sure you _can_ register a band name as a trademark. afaik it does mainly work locally or so (that's why it's no problem to have a Brainstorm dance band in Eastern Europe for example).....but I never really bothered to dig deeper into the legal side of band names. I'm pretty sure you can find plenty of information on the net though.
I have no idea if anyone has ever bought the rights to the name Brainstorm. It's a normal English word, so it's inevitable that there are several bands with that name, even one in the 70's! So our Brainstorm is not the first, but so far I have not heard of any conflict with existing bands (only one other band is really succesfull, those Latvian Eurovision Songcontest winners).