Brand New cover (no vocals) mix


May 27, 2009

I really want to improve the sound of this mix, but I'm not really sure how.

I use Addictive Drums for the drums with only a little bit of EQ work on the kick and snare. For the guitars, I did direct input into: TS’ Secret -> Nick Crow 7170 -> TL Space (CatharsisStudio's s-preshigh impulse). For the bass, I did a direct in and some EQing.

Any suggestions?
i love this song. Wtf is going on with the hi-hat? Guitar tone suits the style although it sounds a tad choked..also do two tracks of guitar and pan them left and right as far as i can tell almost everything apart from the drums is centred. Kick needs to go down a bit, maybe a touch more verb on the snare to make it your own. Try using the Ampeg vst for your bass.
also get rid of the chorus..well maybe not get rid but turn it down drastically so its noticeable but not overpowering
If you're talking about the lead chorus part, that's a filter effect. I plan on re-playing that part anyways, it seems like a played it a bit too fast.

What's wrong with the highhat?

Also, there are two rhythm guitars panned. The lead is down the center.

I'll try that with the bass, thanks.
it sounds like it keeps opening and closing in my right headphone but really quietly..its not very bright either..Give the clean tone a bit more mid and bass to make it fuller
Guitars need to be panned HARD left and right and should be double tracked.

Pan the lead either 70 right or 70 left, to give it a spot where it can be focused upon more.

Use more mids on your lead tone than rhythm.

Cymbals should come down and drums up a bit. The snare really isn't cutting.