I need help! (post-hardcore/punk stuff)


May 27, 2009
my songs: http://profile.ultimate-guitar.com/DiveRightIn63/music/ (ignore the "unmixed and unfixed" stuff for now, i'm not even on-time for some of that..)

drums: Addictive Drums -> Protools
bass: 1) direct input 2) into an overdrive pedal, direct in.
guitars: 1) catharsis studio's impulses 2) fender american telecaster deluxe -> peavey 5150 -> sennheiser e609 -> mic in

there is no EQ on anything, but i use some stomp effects on songs.

i'm using Addictive Drums, and i'm looking to get a better sound out of the drums particularly. any suggestions here? i've never worked with EQ or compression on drums before so i don't really know how to do that well.

for the guitars, i use a sennheiser e609 on my Peavey 5150 for the leads and one of the rhythms. i double the rhythm with a pre-amp out from my 5150 and one of catharthis studio's impulses. any idea on how to improve the guitar sound post-recording? like i said, i've never done any real EQing or compressing..

overall, i just need HELP. i really want to improve my recording skill overall, not just the sound of these recordings.