Brand New to the forum... looking for some pointers!


Kvlt M3t4l 4 Lyfe
Nov 20, 2009
Hey guys,

been doing a lot of reading on here about anything recording related pretty much and been doing the same thing with a good deal of books too...

I've been mainly tinkering around with my 6505+ hooked up to an avatar v30 cab, with an sm57 right up on the grill dead center on the cone for max brightness.

I did 4 tracks, 2 L/R, and 2 50% L/R ...

i did notch down the master about 6db to prevent clipping, and put on a low filter from 80hz on down to filter out useless sub frequencies...

i'm just wondering what you all have to say, comments, concerns.. am i doing anything wrong, for that matter? I feel like i've got half a brain of how to record my guitar, but unfortunately i can still compare my tracks to others' on this forum and they sound much better. Obviously with time will come wisdom but i'm anxious to learn. So shoot away!

Ohhh, and in case you were wondering i was recording from the rhythm channel boosted by a boss sd-1 if that helps with anything.


P.s.... as a side note, anyone heard of revocation? I'd love to know what they do for drum/guitar tracking if anyone has information on that. i find their sound very interesting along with some badass production for their 1st album! :rock: