Brand Spanking New ! Tech death from NZ :D


Apr 11, 2006
This is a new recording from my band Anabyss.
Let me know what you think - I posted another song of ours not long ago (Battleground - if anyone remembers that) and that was from the same recording session so the mix is quite similar, yet updated and modified a fair bit.

The thing I am least happy with at the moment is the vocals - they dont seem to sit in the mix as I would like them too.. They still seem kinda slapped on top - if anyone has any ideas as to how to fix this that would be greatly appreciated!
Any other feedback or advice would be awesome too.

Song is called DEHAB, and can be found here:

Note - the song has not yet been properly mastered - I pretty much just chucked the ol' L2 on it to crank her up a little for posting here..

I'd add a little more low end to the kick, add a 10k boost on the snare, and compress the guitars some.
That was some totally awesome riffing, and the vocalist is really good!

I am very inexperienced with mixing vocals so I'm sorry I can't help you with that one.

Keep it coming man. I'll listen to the myspace when I have time too.
Everything seems pretty mid focused and lacks clarity IMO. There definately needs to be some shaping of all the elements so that they aren't fighting for the same space. The drums, especially the toms, sound like they could use some more compression to get some punch and slap through the mix, rather than sound all uninterested. A little more highs on the guitars (they could almost use a touch more gain too) and the bass isn't really adding much to the mix at this point.
Once those are sorted out, I think you will find a better place to fit the vocals in.

Good music though.
Ok cheers guys - Ill get onto making some updates tonight.
Im still not happy with the toms (I wasnt when I posted the last song from this recording session up either) - Ill try work on them a bit more.
And bass.... All I had was a DI'ed signal running through a couple of channels (one with quite a high HPF going into a sansamp plug and one other going into another plug to give it some beefy low end) - would have much preferred having a nice amp to work with.
This may sound stupid but I think the drums sound to natural, they sound kinda garage-y (the snare especially).
The guitars sound good, I would ad a taaaad more gain tho.
vox are really loud - sounds like you are overcompensating for lack of clarity in other places; are you making cuts/shelves in your eq? bassdrum is topheavy in the hz, might try a shelf there at 350hz. musicianshipwise Im not a big fan of the doublebass going on super fast without the guitars following a little more.