1st tech/death mix

barn jake

Jan 8, 2010
this is my first attempt at home recording/mixing. this song is one of my bands newer songs.. no vocals yet.

the performance isnt perfect.. there are several mistakes here and there.

the purpose of this project was to familiarize myself with the whole process and hopefully improve to the point where i can do all our recording.

im looking for comments on the mix and suggestions on eq, settings, fx etc
anything to help me improve is greatly appreciated


song name = "new3" -no title yet
thanks guys.

this is my first time recording/mixing in the new-to-me digital world. i've previously done all my recording with a br1600.

im hoping for someone can hear some things wrong with this. i feel like im close but its just not quite right. the snare seems like it gets lost in some spots, and im not too happy with the bass.

also what should i be keeping in mind for the vocals? is there some eq frequencies i should be trying to leave available?
Dude I love the song its awesome.

The mix reminds me of Xenosapien alot for some reason, which is definitely a good thing.
Dude I love the song its awesome.

The mix reminds me of Xenosapien alot for some reason, which is definitely a good thing.

this is far from bad, especially for his first try at this shit, but xenosapien comparisons are rarely warranted :rofl:
not bad, there´s something wrong with the drums, specially the toms I think, too bouncy but I don´t fell the lows quite well, can´t really explain it

And the tone difference between the two guitars can get a bit annoying to my ears, but that could be just me

i messed with the toms a bit... tuned them a bit lower, took out some high frequencies and added some lows.

and now that you mention it, the guitar tone difference bothers me too... i brought the tones closer together, now their damn near the same.. however the right side guitar plays higher register for a lot of the song.

check out the changes, let me know how im doing.

thanks all for all the feedback

"NEW3 mix4" http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=1006705