New song I'm working plz

Golden Diaper

New Metal Member
Nov 25, 2007
This is a song I'm working on for some friends of mine. This is just a rough mix with no vocals but I would like to see what you guys think of my current progress. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and if your digging what you hear I'm cool with sharing techniques, equipment and settings.
I like it. Kind of messy, but works well with the song. With messy I mean big room on the drums, maybe a tad too much drive on the guitars, some small EQ issues, but overall, it works with the music.
Thanks for your input The Dude. The room I recorded drums in was a new build and didn't have sufficient sound treatment up yet so the overheads picked up a little too much of a live sound for my taste. The guitars were recorded through my 5150 III which is a gain monster, I think I had the gain set to 6.5. I'm going to wait until I have the vocals tracked and mixed before making a decision to reamp with a lower gain setting but it is an option. My monitors are not very good and are actually the weakest link of my recording setup so it's kind of hard for me to pinpoint EQ issues. If you could specify which frequency's need attention it would help me put things in perspective. Thanks again for listening and commenting:headbang:.