Brave - Interpretation


Inside the Fall
May 27, 2001
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Time to figure out what another Katatonia song means. This time, I try to breakdown "Brave." I need some help though, as I can only figure out a few parts.

if you didn't know all the moments,
when I lose myself I would tell the world.
i'm catching flies by speaking to someone.
breaking the windows,
this house is dead.
the sound of falling,
when the pictures are moving between the memories,
dead in time.
brave, try the meaning of loss.
I know your smile is deadly at this point.
wherever you are,
I am not.

if you didn't know all the moments,
when I lose myself I would tell the world.
I guess I should know the limits of the world.
there are moments I find myself not breathing at all.

I don't know, but I'm thinking maybe another broken relationship. Here's my reasoning:

I know your smile is deadly at this point.
I believe this might mean that it kills him to look at her now.

wherever you are, I am not.
This is rather convincing, too, because it is like he is saying that he doesn't want to be with her or will never be with her again or something.

Please, add on.
It's "I would tell the world I'm catching flies by now", those two lines are the same sentence.

"The sound of falling when the pictures are moving" is really scarry part - I frighten myself to Death when it endarkens the speakers.
I think with the "i'm catching flies by know,speaking to someone...
he just wants to show how usual things have become again,the things he's doing, these somehow "unimportant" things like catching flies or talking to someone. It's JUST that he is doing that,nothing more.
Since my relationship has broken up,at least at that time and even still now sometimes, i feel how unimportant these things SEEM(ed) -and that's an important thing- they "seem" unimportant because everything that happened considering my relationship,i mean love, was sooo deep for me. I think it is deep for everyone. The mind plays tricks with us making us think that now when love's gone everything lost its meaning and importance.

That's my interpretation of that sentence. I hope you understand what i am trying to say.

BTW, in "Chrome" he sings a strange line too at the end with"my brother is halfways through a book i've left him,called me today,to see what i'd say.
So it's funny because just when the whole song is so serious and you try to understand the words he suddenly puts in a strange sentence which you never thought of.
For example,i never checked what he meant with that sentence in Chrome until one member here explained to me that he is "through" with the book. I always thought he left him "through" a book :lol:
You are probably right on 'catching flies'....

It's the most beautiful thing with the BMD/Sounds of Decay style of writing lines, you can interpret them in so many ways by putting together two different ones(from the left or right)......