BREAKING NEWS: "American Idol" still on the air


Manly Man!
Apr 15, 2007
Cooperstown and Oswego, NY
..but seriously:

'Idol' judges misconstrued 'be careful' remark
Jan. 30, 2009, 12:53 AM EST

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Be careful not to read too much into what someone from Louisville says while heading out the door — like the "American Idol" judges did.

The producers of "Idol" apologized Thursday on behalf of its judges, who apparently misinterpreted what a contestant in Louisville, Ky., said after a failed audition. On his way out, Mark Mudd said: "Take care and be careful."

Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell took that as a threat. Abdul scolded Mudd, telling him, "You don't say that to people, 'Be careful.' That's just not a normal thing to say."

It turns out that "be careful" is a regional parting expression.

The show's producers say they had not heard that from any other contestants, so it took everyone by surprise.

A statement from "Idol" producers said: "We now know better and look forward to visiting Louisville again someday."
I have never heard this parting expression before, but I've also never been to Louisville. Is there anyone on this board from the Louisville area who can confirm that this is in fact a well known parting expression in that area? To be honest, I would have interpretted it as a threat as well.
Why do people watch this show? I mean, if I created a show called "shitty pop music" no one would probably watch it.
The reason it's called "pop" music is because people like it. It should not be a mystery then why people watch a show featuring music they like.
I've always been skeptical about how much people who claim to like pop music really like it. Based on my experience, those who listen to pop music like it because they have no basis for comparison and probably aren't aware that very many other forms of music exist.
I feel this video needs to be posted.

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I've always been skeptical about how much people who claim to like pop music really like it. Based on my experience, those who listen to pop music like it because they have no basis for comparison and probably aren't aware that very many other forms of music exist.

That has nothing to do with whether or not they like it.
My time on and music sites involving a wide variety of music (read: not metal forums) has shown that many people actually do like pop music.

It's also worth noting that some pop music is actually good, even though a lot of what gets played on the radio is not.
By the way, the most worth watching audition performance on this show was the rendition of "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Red guy. So terribly bad and hilarious in every way.
we get these judges as distractions from the shit singing though:

