BREAKING NEWS: Rob Caggiano quits Anthrax

*** Last September, Scott Ian said that he was confident that ANTHRAX's most recent formation would carry them into retirement.

"I've gone on record saying this will be the only version of ANTHRAX until there is no ANTHRAX," Ian told the Georgia Straight. ***

I knew this wouldn't be true.

What the fuck.

Not super surprised, but what the fuck? I just can't imagine Scott and Charlie having anything to do with it. Impossible.
if i HAD to pick a member to leave then he would always be my choice, never liked him, bring back spitz
I'm both surprised and bummed about this. I think Rob was a great fit for the band right now. He's obviously a great guitarist, and charismatic on stage in his own way. He's also a really nice guy and always a pleasure to have a chat with.

Can't say I'm totally supportive of the idea of Dan Spitz coming back. Won't judge whoever the "new" guy is though until after seeing a gig.
Why do so many people want Dan Spitz back?? Do these people realise he offers NOTHING except maybe some good leads on record?

The guy has 2 autistic twins at home, so doubtful he could tour the world extensively, puts out very average music in Red Lamb, and not to mention is thankful to Jesus for keeping him alive day in day out. Did anyone read the raving lunacy in his online interview a few days ago? He offers nothing. Rob leaving is a huge body blow to Anthrax, and I've said it here before, I don't think Anthrax would've made it through the 00's without him being in the band.

This news is terrible.
With Anthrax doing ATL in it's entirety on this upcoming tour, Dan Spitz is really the best option out there. With that said, if he does rejoin, I predict it will be for this tour only and then the band will be back to searching for a more permanent replacement.
With Anthrax doing ATL in it's entirety on this upcoming tour, Dan Spitz is really the best option out there. With that said, if he does rejoin, I predict it will be for this tour only and then the band will be back to searching for a more permanent replacement.

I think this is the likely scenario. He can easily come in and handle the Metal Alliance Tour and ATL set, and maybe learn a couple from WM. But I don't see him sticking around after the tour, and certainly not another album.
Don't forget guys, Soundwave Festival is happening down here in Australia before the ATL tour, so it'll be interesting.....