BREAKING NEWS: Rob Caggiano quits Anthrax

Kinda got a hint of Rob's departure with his New Years tweet #change!

Good luck to him - it's all amicable and he just wants to pursue his producing career. Good for him.

Anthrax - onwards and upwards
That's funny because those dates aren't listed on Anthrax's website. Don't be surprised if they cancel Soundwave.

If it were a club tour I could understand them to cancel but soundwave is aassive festival,they will play to 1000's of fans all across the country,it's a great lineup too so great chance to get even more exposure
Message from SPitz on Facebook. Not sure if it has anything to do with Anthrax or not:

Thank you ALL for your outpouring of LOVE today regarding my musical direction and the events that have transpired in the Metal world.

I feel so blessed to call all of you my family. I am truly touched down deep into my repaired heart. At a time when I needed LOVE so badly, HE delivered. As usual in HIS time.

Please know my guitar, my soul and the art I've been given to give to all of you will prevail, and hopefully touch many on my road to help children in the Autism community as well.

Keeping up the fight. . . . Feel free to pray for my family as well.

I Love You All. Dan Spitz
Bring back Spitz?

Why not, he already knows everything from his era, and could learn the newer stuff easily. Adding to that the classic lineup would be complete again. If they got some unknown lead guitarist we'd have to listen to people bitch about that all the time.
Best of luck to Rob, and I don't share the popular opinion here about Dan Spitz. I hope he comes back where he belongs.
Gary Holt was playing with Slayer last time I saw them.
And it seems like Exodus (Holt's band) has been unofficially on hold in the meantime. The tea leaves seem to play down any thought of Jeff Hanneman returning shortly. Least my expectations for that are low. Holt does a good job with Slayer but I am sure the band/fans would love to have Hanneman back but it just seems unlikely for a while.
What the hell is going on?! This is the weirdest timing ever for Rob to quit the band, so surely there's more to this than they're letting us know?

On a personal level, I'm surprised how bad it feels to see him go, because I was never a big fan of his sound or playing. Always seemed like a good guy though, so good luck in what ever is next for him.

So are they going to bring back Spitz? I don't know, or really care, but seems like he'd like to do it. Someone mentioned James Murphy - I'd be fine with that. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've said I'd like to see him play with Anthrax.

EDIT and here it is:
What the fuck.

Not super surprised, but what the fuck? I just can't imagine Scott and Charlie having anything to do with it. Impossible.

I don't know. Anthrax has been a train wreck (more or less) for 9+ years. I would not be surprised to see Spitz back at all. Makes it all the more laughable, after all the shit that has been slung about him, Joey, etc.