Breaking The Law?


Active Member
Oct 18, 2001
f*ck, i just got 'radared' by the police while on my way to work. they got me with 45 km/h above speed limit... so i now have to pay 100€, will get 3 points in germany's traffic register and will lose my driving license for a month. great... i wanted to do a nice little motorbike tour in two weeks...
so please cheer me up and tell me which laws you already broke ;)

ah, and hi there, i'm back again. how fucked up is this place, anyway? no avatars, bitching colors in the main menu, and so on... (excuse my usage of offensive words, but i'm not very relaxed right now).
I broke several, but was never caught. I wonder what would have happened when I was driving at 110 km/h above the limit...
depends... the devices with which your speed is measured commonly only range from 20km/h to 200km/h... maybe you didn't even have to pay anything... who knows.
omg! that's your death sentence!
Hmm yeah, i think i break some traffic laws too, thankfully never been caught so far. I try to stop this bad habit though :)

Edit: On the other hand it's impossible not to break the speed limit in greece...
Plus, i just yesterday read in Apocalyptica's "Cult" booklet that their friend and sound engineer was killed some years ago in a car accident in greece :cry:
Mhn, I don't think I've ever driven without breaking laws. Everybody does- when all the others are monsters and you're not you the monster it's you;), so I got used.
(mhn, Siren, it's a southern european law? Mhn, probably)..
Oh, in Rome I've never paid any ticket on bus/subway/tram...mhn...I feel ashamed now, so uncivilized...
I broke the speed limits last time today. Went 180 km/h on the freeway. Haven't been stopped yet. Guess I'm just lucky. I'll try to obey the limits from now on...
Hmm... I've broken a few laws, but have never got caught... nothing major. For some stuff I've done, I'm not sure is illegal...
Well, here goes:

I've stolen stuff from stores (a bracelet and a figurine) only to return them later after I felt guilty... I also stole two toys when I was little, but kept them...
Stolen stuff from school and a few classmates I hated....
Stole a book from a library
Drank alcohol in a public place... not a lot though
Drank while underage
Vandalised property (walls)
... maybe more that I don't remember....

I don't do any of that stuff anymore... except drinking (but I'm over the drinking age here now...)
I just got a ticket mere hours ago for drinking on the beach...and not even by real cops...just some town public safety jokes. There goes $'s ok, though, I figure I'll just steal $75 worth of crap from my job ;)

I took control of people's pcs
I got illegal copies of games and helped distribute them
I also had an mp3 server for a long time
I drank in the street
I urinated in the street ( result of the above one )

Thats about it.
Originally posted by mousewings
Drank alcohol in a public place... not a lot though
Drank while underage
Vandalised property (walls)

Er... as everybody knows, "Spain is different". Everybody drinks underage (and the age for low degree drinks is fixed at 16 y-o), and the "botellón" phenomenon (to drink in public places) is quite extended. In fact, the place where I live is moderated, when you go to Andalucia (south Spain), everybody go out to the streets to drink and have fun the whole night, and then they sleep some hours and go out again to the bars to eat and drink more. It's a non-stop party, I tell you.

About my little crimes, well... I've got driving license but can't drive so much without a car, so I can't break the speed limits, unless I run too fast. Never vandalished properties. But in my work (I work fixing computers) it's quite usual to stole pieces (video cards, hard drives, CD-recorders...). Nothing more for the moment. :saint:

but it's the same in germany with drinking. you are allowed to drink wherever you are, unless you and your behaviour doesn't offend anyone all to bad. drinking underage is quite common as well, i dunno why...
in cologne police even has to close certain parts of the great city ring at weekends because all of the drunk ppl celebrate on (and i mean ON) the street. quite weird.
and repairing pcs is quite nice, you could steal a quiet cpu cooler for me, mine is as loud as a starting jet... ;)
I got caught one of the thousands of times I've smoked weed... I now have a criminal record for 0.3 grams of it, and probably cannot get in to USA (oh no, what will I do now?? :lol: )
About a two years ago(in summer) I stole few candies :eek:
And about five years ago I bought candy with 5 finnish mk's but there was candy for over 7mk's at leats in that thing(what is it called?)... :D

Sorry my bad english...
Wow all of you are hardened criminals, I havent been caught for alot of things but the thing I have been caught for are.

Speeding about 4 times
Underage drinking
assault & battery
disturbing the peace

thats about it
got caught.. lets see...

possesion of drugs
(Hultsfredsfestivalen 2001)... about 2 g weed... (had 10 g in my sock, but they didn't check it! ;)).. they took it and gave me a warning... nothinh in the registry! nice policemen there! =)

vrote that my teacher was a dirty whore on the school.. then the securityguards came... washing for a week to get it off... :/

assault & disturbing the peace
footballmatch AIK-Hammarby in sweden.. got a little rough

assault/ possesion of weapon
some bonehead turks who tried to rob me and my friend

Underage drinking
every god damn weekend til i were 18 ;)

Fake ID
you gotta drink don't ya?
hailz Siren & others, im back :eek:

damn... breaking the law... hahaha
here in Russia it is almost impossible to live by laws
wtf are you talking about... come here! drink with me!
i have never been caught! come here and smoke, drink!
you are all invited and you are all welcome!!!

P.S. written in a drunk condition!!!!!!!!