Breakin the F'n Law!!!


His Lord High Stinkyness
Feb 24, 2004
New Jersey
This was posted at, but thought it would be amusing for those here who missed it.

I can't believe I didn't mention this here until now.

on 3/12/04 Friday night, I was on my way down to work on stuff with my Keyboard player. When I got off the parkway, I had to cross a highway at a traffic light. So I go through the light and traffic piles up in front of me so I knida got stranded in the intersection. Now I was most of the way through and not really blocking any traffic, but I still got pulled over by a police cruiser for running a red light. They then tell me to get out of the car and proceed to search me. As it turns out, I had an unpaid parking ticket from 2000 and there was a warrant out for my arrest, so I was cuffed, put into the cruiser, and taken to the police station!! I had to pay my own bail which was $40.00. I had 41 on me. They held me for an hour and filled out all these forms then took me back to my car. Now I have never been arrested before but the cops where civil to me. They knew it was only a stinkin parking ticket and they didn't treat me like a criminal or anything. In fact, we where joking about it to and from the station. I wasn't really emberrassed, I thought it was kinda comical. I even took my leather jacket off so it would be easier to cuff me. I was wearing my Odin's Court shirt and the officer remarked that he thought it funny that I was wearing a shirt that said "court" on it

Now I can say I've been arrested.

The one thing that pisses me off about all this is that you can be arrested in the State of New Jersey for leaving a $40 parking ticket unpaid. I think that's a bit excessive, don't you? :ill:
Great story!

That is pretty lame that they can arrest you for an outstanding parking ticket - especially since there are other crimes that are happening that are much more serious. I hope you don't have aspirations to join the FBI - they won't let you in if you've been arrested one time.

See, this is the kind of controversy we need to get our band name out there. :lol: