why is it so f'n tough

The saYer

Aug 17, 2003
bay area
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to make a band?

one of the guitplayers tells me he don't like my vocals even though every other person I have shown them to liked them.
this same guy also can't go to practice and whenever he goes all he does is play his guitar, LOUD and ignores us for the most part, even though he tries to show that he doesn't do that. He also critisizes all that we do even when he doesn't do anything. He contradicts himself about what he wants to play, but he is a great guit player and there is no other guitarist in our area.

On the other hand I have the rythm guit player telling me to do something already and that he wants to put out the demo now. My answer, so do I.

drummer turned out to be an ahole and another drummer says he can start practicing in 6 months!

things are not working out, haha at this point I am not stressing anymore, hey I tried, I will come up with stuff and play for fun, but forget about me working to actually get an official band going.

Just thought it would be interesting to share band problems in this thread.
If things begin to pickup I just might start to officially pick things up again.
I did the band thing for years and I basically quit it all because I couldn't handle the personalities anymore.

Ever been married? Being in a band is like being married to two - four other people... Talk about a pain in the ass! Everyone has their own thoughts and ambitions and the whole thing is a miracle if it actually does work! Sometimes the people have ulterior motives like chicks or booze or drugs, ya know, the rock and roll lifestyle... that will make it even worse!

Have fun with YOUR music and don't let anyone or anything get you down. My problem was letting others ruin it for me... I see that now but back then I thought I was being "nice".

Good luck and I wish you well.
Wish I can talk by experience but mine goes to 2-3 rehearsals for a one night presentation (and even so we have huge fights).

I was kinda interviewing a local band that had stick together for 10 years. They have one change 9 years ago and another 3 years ago and that's it. It's a four piece raw thrash band that mainly is driven by the rtythm guitar/vocalist and the lead guitar and they have been pals since highschool. They told us that difficulties always arise, that friction will always show but that the love for the music, discipline regarding rehearsals, lots of dialogue had allow the band to continue playing all these years.

So like Narc said is a lot like a marriage, it's all about stretch/shrink, a dominant personality will always arise (all bands have a leader no matter how democratic can they be) and the dialogue must be permanent. But above all is because you:

  1. love the music
  2. wanna have fun playing
  3. wants to satisfy personal achievement

find people with the same goals and the band will continue...or you can play dictatorship and change the rest of the assholes if they refuse to yield Works for Jon Schaeffer :lol: )
I've been in a few bands myself, and the last "broke up," for very weird reasons. We kind of founded it under a completely democratic, free-form idea, that allowed everyone to play what they wanted to. Basically we were a jam band, ala the Grateful Dead (but a metal version, it was pretty cool). And I'll be damned if, even in that free-flowing atmostphere, there weren't a bunch of personality clashes and bickering that made it too challenging to continue. I pretty much decided that's my last wack at it. I never held the belief that we'd be "big," I just wanted to have some fun......but, yup, it's tough to keep things like that together. It's just hard to organize personalities I guess. Such is life.
Narcosynthesys68 said:
I did the band thing for years and I basically quit it all because I couldn't handle the personalities anymore.

Ever been married? Being in a band is like being married to two - four other people... Talk about a pain in the ass! Everyone has their own thoughts and ambitions and the whole thing is a miracle if it actually does work! Sometimes the people have ulterior motives like chicks or booze or drugs, ya know, the rock and roll lifestyle... that will make it even worse!

Couldn't agree more man. Despite how glamorous many who aren't in bands think it is, it is very much a hastle. I've been very lucky with the current incarnation of my band - we get along pretty well, and well have common goals. However, most bands I've been in there's way too many personality conflicts, musical conflicts or other things happening behind the scenes that make it so hard to get anything done (ie. write songs, learn new covers, get gigs, etc.)
Narcosynthesys68 said:
I did the band thing for years and I basically quit it all because I couldn't handle the personalities anymore.

Ever been married? Being in a band is like being married to two - four other people... Talk about a pain in the ass! Everyone has their own thoughts and ambitions and the whole thing is a miracle if it actually does work!

Good luck and I wish you well.

never been married, but yeah it is kinda like a marriage :ill:

the booze isn't that big of a problem for us except that some barhopping should be moderated more, but different views.

I say I want to play fast thrash
2 say they want to play anything, but praise thrash
another says he just wants to play?

I am having fun though, or else I would have quit a long time ago, but not sure if it was worth the money (big amps and studio time) just yet.

plus the damn religious neighbors, they are the worst! they called the cops on us 3 times, and one of those times we werent even there!!!
The saYer said:
never been married, but yeah it is kinda like a marriage :ill:

plus the damn religious neighbors, they are the worst! they called the cops on us 3 times, and one of those times we werent even there!!!
sound like great neighbours!

Bands are a collective, all the minds need to come together for a final product. Generally speaking everyone should have common goals but if you're doing it for fun you cant go wrong. It just sux when you spend 3 years with a band and record a bunch of stuff and it never sees the light of day.
The saYer said:
plus the damn religious neighbors, they are the worst! they called the cops on us 3 times, and one of those times we werent even there!!!

Tell them a friend from Costa Rica dedicate to them Motorhead 'Bad Religion' :heh: