Why is it so fucking hard to get make a band?


boo hoo
Oct 13, 2001
i'm really pissed right now. i began trying to get people to play at this thing at my school where a bunch of bands just get together and play. its at the end of may and i approached people about two weeks ago about it, which i think is enough time. i wanted to cover blackwater park and learned it rather quickly, having little else to do with myslelf. so i approached another guitarist, a drummer, a bassist, and a vocalist. all are friends of mine and enjoy music, so i asked them and they all said yes, and we've been practicing for a couple weeks.

well, the other guitarist all of a sudden isn't allowed to leave his house because of his bad grades. no biggie, he had the acoustics and the solo, as long as those reverb driven melodies in blackwater park. i could already play the acoustics by myself and could easily come up with a solo. he could hardly play the acoustic part anyways. sure i wanted to make music with him but i can do it by myself.

i was then all set to do the acoustics myself and come up with a solo, but then the drummer got word of this and backed out, saying we need two guitarists and that the song is to long. i didn't get why he didn't want to play,he could already play the song, and even though i showed him i could play the other guitar parts as well. then he goes and signs up for this thing with another band that plays shitty nu-metal. what a waste of talent.

eventually the bassist said he wouldn't do it either, but just because we don't have a drummer, he really wanted to, he's a huge prog-rock fan and i got him into opeth. same with the vocalist, he wanted to growl his lungs out but said we should just give up because no one's going to play drums with less than two weeks to learn a 12 minute song. now its all dead, and i really was pumped about finally being able to play in front of people. and now i'm back to square one, sitting alone in my room, practicing quietly for a couple of hours wishing i could actually play a song with a band for an audience. why the hell can't i ever get a band together? is it supposed to be this hard to get people together to make music?
that sucks man. they must not have really wanted to play Opeth in front of people from the beginning, maybe cuz they care about what other people think. you're right about him wasting his talent, not that it takes any to play nu-metal..

Well I have not been able to find even ONE fucking person for a band in 5 years, and it's driving me nuts (although to be honest, I've pretty much stopped looking in the last year).

I feel your pain........
Originally posted by Hearse
Second thing, its alot harder to find same minded fellas for the band.

Thumbs up!
It's FUCKing important to have bandmates that own similar thinking patterns as you. It's easier to make songs and get along. Band shouldn't be just four or five guys playing the same music together. Band is four or five guys hanging out and having good time together, playing or otherwise...
...If one guy is out of that, band is not whole.
Maybe if you weren't used to playing with those guys, and they're somewhat trepidatious about playing, then you probably should have chosen a much shorter song.

After all, it's pretty daunting playing a 12 minute track when you're not all familiar with each other, and everyone's kind of nervous.

Maybe a 5 or 6 minute track would have instilled some confidence in them, then you could move onto the longer, more technical stuff.

Plus you could rehearse for the same amount of time while practising the song twice as often ;)
Getting a band together is fucking tough..

1)The people you find can play, but have no equipment/shite equipment/
2)As above, but have no motivation or commitment
3)People you find can't play even though they say they can, and have shit equipment
4)Don't have the same mindset
5)Are pretentious wankers

Apart from this, every so often you do tend to find one guy that you get along with as a friend, who can play, has the same ideas as you do about where to go, knows what compromise is and who you gel with musically. Then you may find another onre and another. But settling for someone hoping they'll fit in never works.

As for the drummer going of to play numetal, well, he wasn't a musician anyway :grin: , oh, and he's gay :grin: !

If you've got a bassist + vocalist, then keep at it. See if they'd want to do something long term and properly. Start writing some stuff together, then find another guitasrist and look for a drummer. It'll be easier to get the missing pieces once you have an idea of direction and have something tangible to show them.

never give up! (unless you can't play for shit) :grin: !

Good luck!
I've been really lucky in finding a good band....one of my best friends and I have been playing guitar together for a few years years now. We got that musical connection you only get when you've played a lot together. Well, anyway, he was already in a band with two other guys, and they just need a drummer.
So they ask me (yeah, guitarists (usually) have a sense of rhythm too :) ), and of course I join in....and I've been in that band for more than a year now
Ugh... Bands really are tough to form...

I was in a band a little under a year ago... We were together for roughly 10 years and never really did shit, haha! We were made up of 4 guys... 2 guitarist, bass and a drummer... We never could find a vocalist and at one point (towards the end) we were looking for a keyboardist too... We tryed going the route of sharing the vocals but none of us really had our heart in it (not to mention the music we were playing was VERY demanding)... Around here, guitarists are a dime a dozen... Bass players probably .25 a dozen... Drummers, $100 a dozen... Keyboardists, $250 a dozen... Vocalists, I'm convinced just don't exist...

We had a good deal of equipment (some was crap) and were buying new stuff as we needed it... All was going great, except for one minor problem... We could never find a reliable place to practice... Every place we tryed, we'd get the cops called on us or would generally have the entire neighborhood bitching at us, heh heh...

Over time, evidently, this got to be too much for the Bass player (his house was the last place we tryed practicing) and he went and sold all of our equipment (well, most of it)... Needless the say, I haven't had more than 2 or 3 words with him since... (Mostly "fuck" and "you" and sometimes "bitch"...) He sold my mixer, the drummer's drums, numerous mics, my Guitar processor (that I was letting the bitch borrow) and his basses and bass amp (all of which I bought, minus 1 bass...)

The moral of the story: Don't trust anybody!

From now on, I'll do like Silent Downfall said, "if i get a band they will follow my rules. they dont like it, fine leave, i like making music and will continue to no matter what, it's for my own pleasure" with the addition that I will own all the equipment and it will be stored in a place that "I" pick and that "I" alone have keys to... (Except for the drummer, he can have a key... I still trust him, heh heh... In fact, he can buy his own drums, MUHAHAHA!)
well, i get to school today and was pleasantly surprised. the guitarist's parents are gonna let him play at the battle of the bands thing our school has going. the bassist managed to get a drummer to...his younger brother! i don't know why i never thought of it before, the kids brother is damn good. the bassist showed him the song and he wants to play and already has started figuring it out. of course, the vocalist still wanted to do it. so screw that nu-metal jack-ass, i just might be covering blackwater park yet! i'm glad he screwed us over, because all of us were passionate about playing this song except for him. saved me the trouble of telling him to fuck off.