Cheers from The Motha F'N Michael

Michael TEOF

Master Whorebot
Mar 4, 2002
Schaumburg, IL
I just wanted to raise my glass (which is a non-metal alcaseltzer and bottled water now) and give a toast and a cheers to all the coolest cats in music. I believe that music is above and beyond all else, about uniting people. And Prog Power does exactly that. I feel like I lived a lifetime of experiences in 3 days. Feel free to post your favorite The Michael moment, as I had too many with all of you. Most seemed to enjoy my company but I appologize to anyone that I offended with my crazed party antics and didn't take them seriously -- stuff like, "I'm sorry I'm hitting on your wife, but it's okay cuz I'm doing it right in front of you." Or after meeting Scott Mosher saying, "Oh man, you are so tiny... I just want to pick you up *big wrestling bear hug ensues*." There was even a moment I sat right between Tom Englund and his new bassist. A fan came up all nervous and obsequious to us and shook Tom's hand... then my hand, and the new bassist's hand. I told the guy I was new to Evergrey and really appreciated his support as I was nervous coming all the way from Sweden.... :lol:

I also wanted to thank everyone that joined us for the lunch party at Front Page News on Friday. We paid with the honor system and the ammounts I got from everyone was exactly what they collectively owed. I was expecting to be paying a little out of pocket for the party... but I totally didn't. And that was really awesome I thought. We are soooo doing it again next year... but it will be bigger bolder and better. I'll try and get them to play more Jorn and less Cindy Lauper for everyone next time!

Glenn is probably not reading my post but sometimes I know my suggestions must get heard by him one way or the other... because they often actually happen! I felt The Pre-Party was the best night of them all. I enjoy socializing and tried to balance the music (I wanted to see every set) and talking/buying people drinks I didn't know yet. I was able to do this much easier at the Pre-Party. Shane had by far the best mixed bands. Circle II Circle and Circus Maximus, especially, were F'N studio quality. I liked the fact that it started at 6:30pm (more time to socialize) and ended at midnight (so I could party and buy drinks for everyone at the bar for another 2 hours) after the set. I really hate chosing between yackin' it up with all you cool cats (who inevitably talk about how much they don't like the band they're missing that I still wanted to see when we're in the lobby). This was the first year I felt the pre-party was actually more enjoyable than the official festival, as odd as that sounds.

You guys are all awesome and I hope to see you all again very soon.

The Michael... the Prog Power whorebot!
Was that YOUR hand on my ass? I just wonder if you would've done the same to Bruce Dickinson, must be a the top secret neo-con "handshake!" heh heh... Anyhow, it was Awesome meeting, you man. You are quite the frivilous entertainer and party host, even at someone else's bar (ie: that luncheon thingy) - and sure, your hug was heartfelt, I probably should've counted my money afterwards.

Seriously, we'll make it a point to meet up again dude, with the growing crew of individuals crazy, sane and intergalactic.

Btw, congrats on your new position as Evergrey's Kazoo/team mascot position. You deserve it! I'm just glad I wasn't "treated" to your "burning eggs" breakfast. Maybe next time and you can bring your Cheetin' friends...
duud,always a great time when we hang out.
Can't wait for Chicago

what the fuck were you,me,Nick Van Dyk,Lotesto,and Matt Crooks trying to do out in front of Earthlink/Center Stage that ended up with all of us on th efloor(way too drunk to remember)
Mr Bean Mr Bean!! :loco: (f#@kin Dustin Cracked me up with that one!)

Great Time! Glad we could team up to launch at least one Beer Missle (As Todd Called it) during the Epica Set!! That totally ruled. (The set not the poor, poor, sad beer) And I was proud to help perpetuate the mayhem during the Mercenary set! METAL!!! I swear to God you almost broke my larynx. You looked like hell bro in the Airport! Which means you gave it your all, or how did you put it, you got your drink on!!! :lol:

The Front Page News was a good time! That Steak Sandwich I had was awesome! That place always deals up great food with great service and the patio is great. Too bad we couldn't get those carp to agree to being salmon. I had my camera ready!

I've got to share some of my video of the after party on Friday with ya dude. :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

Hey Michael!

It was great to meet you this year! Thanks again for starting the new PPUSA tradition, the Fri afternoon luncheon. The food at Front Page News was great and I met a bunch of cool new people. You better believe I'll be there next year!
Ahhhh, my favorite The Michael moment? Hmmm, so many to choose from . . . Probably when you told me to "get your elbow out of my vagina."

Seriously, it was awesome fun to meet and hang out with you, man. Now I just need to come up with an excuse to visit Chicago . . .
Barely got to see you, since we reveled a little too much on Thursday and slept through the Friday lunch, but you always seemed to be at the center of something interesting - and you should have body-slammed Nick.
Michael TEOF said:
stuff like, "I'm sorry I'm hitting on your wife, but it's okay cuz I'm doing it right in front of you."

No worries man! I always tell people not to ever take me seriously. I think you are about the same. It was cool meeting you. See you at Epica/Kamelot!
Andy Laudano said:
Hey Michael!

It was great to meet you this year! Thanks again for starting the new PPUSA tradition, the Fri afternoon luncheon. The food at Front Page News was great and I met a bunch of cool new people. You better believe I'll be there next year!

Hey Andy! It was great meeting you and the rest of the crew at our table. I don’t exactly get many opportunities here at home to enjoy a lunch filled with conversation on Savatage, TSO, Queensryche, Dream Theater, Fates Warning, etc., etc.. :headbang:

And thanks again to “The Michael” for being both the instigator and the moneyman…
It was cool to meet you, even though I didn't figure out who you were right away.

You don't look like your avatar.

This is probably a Good Thing. :heh:

Besides, he doesn't have progressive nipples. :kickass:
Hey, Michael (also Andy and Kimberly) ~

I echo everyone's sentiments... it was really nice meeting you at Front Page News and enjoying a very nice lunch outdoors... good food and great people!

I'll defintely take part next year, too!
Thorn23TX said:
I'll defintely take part next year, too!

But with LATER FLIGHTS booked on Sunday, right? :zombie:

It was a pleasure...see you next year!
Yippee38 said:
No worries man! I always tell people not to ever take me seriously. I think you are about the same. It was cool meeting you. See you at Epica/Kamelot!

Absolutely! Maybe I'll grab your tall pilot ass a little less when I'm sober. Well... whichever band goes on second I'll be sober for... watch out for the first act though! Either way, I'm especially stoked about Kamelot.

And I can't believe you guys missed Dragonforce.... ohhhh man, what a show! I've been a huge fan of that band since '01, back in the Dragonheart days, well before they were even signed to a label. There's a review of the show someone posted on the Dragonforce forum with the setlist. My only regret is that Dragonforce couldn't be at Prog Power V as a lower slot act... so they could have wowed everyone in the PP crowd with their performance back then. Now when Dragonforce play Prog Power (which BETTER happen!), they'll have no choice but to headline. They are too huge now. I wish I could have seen them live before they got so huge.

The Michael
Michael TEOF said:
And I can't believe you guys missed Dragonforce.... ohhhh man, what a show! I've been a huge fan of that band since '01, back in the Dragonheart days, well before they were even signed to a label. There's a review of the show someone posted on the Dragonforce forum with the setlist. My only regret is that Dragonforce couldn't be at Prog Power V as a lower slot act... so they could have wowed everyone in the PP crowd with their performance back then. Now when Dragonforce play Prog Power (which BETTER happen!), they'll have no choice but to headline. They are too huge now. I wish I could have seen them live before they got so huge.

The Michael

I'm not a big fan of that type of metal (the "we play fast" type). There's got to be more to it. The little Dragonforce I've heard just hasn't been my cup of tea.
Hey Michael, awesome as always to see you..hope you're feeling better than you looked at the airport on Sunday! ;)

You rule man...I have some great shots of your nipples \m/ I'll send 'um to ya :) It was great hanging out with you. We seriously need to get a kick ass double suite next year. Thanks for all you did i won't forget it seriously. (You know what I mean) I owe you big time. I promise to make it up to you next year. The first few rounds are on me :) Until next time...:kickass: You are a quote machine!! Remember to step up to flavour :headbang:

Fook yes dood you ruul. Let's do it again next year but get twice as motherfuckin' shitfaced.:kickass: :kickass: :headbang: :headbang: :kickass: :kickass:
Joe-× said:
Fook yes dood you ruul. Let's do it again next year but get twice as motherfuckin' shitfaced.:kickass: :kickass: :headbang: :headbang: :kickass: :kickass:

Joe-X, I'd like to see you TRY and party with me. You'd be cuddled up in your bed at your hotel room by 11pm passed out, sucking on your thumb.

It ain't about the alcohol; it's about the human spirit and the will to have a good time without bitching about everything.

The Michael