Will the Pre-Party be on the main stage again next year?

Option B
All the way!!!!! Keep it on the main stage and keep bringing killer bands on Thursday night. Another vote for Vision Divine or how about Mercenary.
Harvester said:
B. We return to Center Stage and you get to watch someone like Vision Divine or Freak Kitchen perform a longer set along with at least one other big name. You come in a night earlier and socialize at the karoke party on Wed night. Shane is rewarded justly for his work.
I choose B.
SeanMShields said:
I know Magistral played with us on PPV

I believe they first appeared @ PP3 when the pre-party was held at a different club altogether.

Option B sounds great and a return of Freak Kitchen would be awesome! (Did that just come out of my mouth JayDub?) All the same, I'd still like to see some smaller regional bands play the pre-party. I did enjoy that aspect of the old format.

As far as naming bands @ pre-parties:
Magistral, Katagory V, Cea Serin, Stride, Prymary, Persphone's Dream, Halcyon Way, Theocracy, Circus Maximus, Leatherwolf, Circle II Circle, and I know there are a few more that I'm forgetting.
Option B with Zero Hour! \m/

Just pleeeeeeeeeeeeease play more Towers... LOL Actually, now it won't make a difference cause I'm pretty used to the new record!
Dammit...a Solomon question. I am of 2 minds on this. B means some killer bands and that Shane gets more for his hard work...but I loved the comraderie of the gold badge/pre-party. How to choose how to choose? Guess we're greedy and want both. Sorry for our greed. If it means we still get to have a pre-party rather than nothing at all...I'll choose B

Rick Pierpont said:
I believe they first appeared @ PP3 when the pre-party was held at a different club altogether.

Bingo. The bands for the PP2 'pre-party' were a couple of tuneless death metal bands at the Cotton Club - that SUCKED ASS. Hence PP3 having a GREAT show at the Riviera with Cea Serin (my boys!), Persephone's Dream (mesmerizing), Stride (with a then-new vocalist) and Magistral (some SCARY fast tremolo from their guitarist!). Am I remembering that right?

All the same, I'd still like to see some smaller regional bands play the pre-party. I did enjoy that aspect of the old format.

Yeah, I think that's what Pellaz means about Shane having room to be 'experimental,' at least to some extent. I loved this year's pre-party, but I definitely think it's a great place for less known acts to get a HUGE amount of publicity in front of relaxed, friendly metalheads. :cool: Regardless of who plays, the choice is OBVIOUS: B!!!
Hey angraRULES,

With a full set we do play a lot of material off Towers because we love that CD. At ProgPower we wanted to introduce the new lineup and the new disc was selling at the event so everyone could get a listen...Plus we love the new material.

Our upcoming shows we'll be playing about 30 mintues of material off Towers.


ZHJ&T said:
Hey angraRULES,

With a full set we do play a lot of material off Towers because we love that CD. At ProgPower we wanted to introduce the new lineup and the new disc was selling at the event so everyone could get a listen...Plus we love the new material.

Our upcoming shows we'll be playing about 30 mintues of material off Towers.



With or without Towers' material I'll be at the Brooklyn show. Possibly Boston too! Looking forward to it!!
Harvester said:
I bring in Ernst Seider from Germany to run sound. He does sound for Helloween, Gamma Ray, Edguy, and every major tour/festival in Europe. He is absolutely revered by all of the bands. He makes my crew's job easier because he is *that damn good* and the bands shut up and listen to him because they respect him.

I think it's time for The Q to start another "The Official (insert name here) Appreciation Thread"!!! :lol:

Ernst is also a very pleasant guy to work with. He never looses his cool or let's you see him sweat.
The Fiddler said:
From this point on, I don't think there is any way you're going to get the calibur of bands like Circle II Circle, Circus Maximus, and Leatherwolf playing on that ridiculously small stage upstairs. What a disservice it would be to the bands. If you were any of the bands above, would you rather play in the corner of a small dark smoke-filled room with low ceiling , or would you rather play in front of 800+ people on a full stage with full light show, full sound system, and recording and video capabilities to boot? :lol: Center Stage was filled for most of the pre-party, and for the last couple of acts, the venue looked as full as it is for most Friday and Saturday acts.

If you were the promoter, would you rather limit yourself to selling 300 tickets (instead of 800) just so people have more time to talk when the bands are playing? If you're a promoter, can you spend more on booking national/international bands by selling 300 tickets or 800 tickets?

For everyone who wants the pre party to be even better next year, it's not going to get any better if it gets put back upstairs just to give patrons a smaller, pre-party feel of years past. The cat is out of the box. If you want to put the cat back in the box, then be prepared for lesser known regional acts that most people have never heard of - just for the sake of being able to chit-chat/socialize while watching a band at the same time. Frankly, I don't know how anyone can chat with a band playing, regardless of venue (and especially in a small club like the Vinyl or Loft).

The doors open an hour before the show, the vendor room is open all day, the hallways and bars at Center Stage are open for mingling and signings during all 3 nights, and the Vinyl is open after the show ends. How much more time do people need to socialize? :erk:

Well said. I preferred having more places to sit downstairs in Center Stage plus the quality of bands this year was WOW~~~~
B. We return to Center Stage and you get to watch someone like Vision Divine or Freak Kitchen perform a longer set along with at least one other big name. You come in a night earlier and socialize at the karoke party on Wed night. Shane is rewarded justly for his work.