Will the Pre-Party be on the main stage again next year?

Hmm, I'm an OGB (Original Gold Badge holder) and I think we get enough perks, so I didn't really miss the VIP room. Glenn gives us a lot of value for our buck, so not having a VIP room in favor of the pre-show being on a bigger stage is fine with me. Besides, there are plenty of opportunities to meet bands during the fest. I think I tripped over Mike from Circus Maximus sixteen or seventeen times just on Friday night alone. :lol: As for chatting with people during the night, I had no voice by Friday morning, so I obviously had no problems catching up with my friends on Thursday night.

I'll ask a single, hypothetical question and I don't want an explanation from anyone. Just choose an option:

A. We return to the Loft with the similar calibur bands from the progpower prepartys of III-V. There will be no returning main stage bands from previous years. You get to socialize and the gold badge room returns (keeping in mind that gold badge holders are the minority that night). Shanes makes a very minimal amount for his work, barely making it worth his time.

B. We return to Center Stage and you get to watch someone like Vision Divine or Freak Kitchen perform a longer set along with at least one other big name. You come in a night earlier and socialize at the karoke party on Wed night. Shane is rewarded justly for his work.
B. We return to Center Stage and you get to watch someone like Vision Divine or Freak Kitchen perform a longer set along with at least one other big name. You come in a night earlier and socialize at the karoke party on Wed night. Shane is rewarded justly for his work.

There is my answer.
Harvester said:
B. We return to Center Stage and you get to watch someone like Vision Divine or Freak Kitchen perform a longer set along with at least one other big name. You come in a night earlier and socialize at the karoke party on Wed night. Shane is rewarded justly for his work.

My question would be why even call it a pre-party at this point, when in reality it will have become the first night of a 3 night festival? Why not just merge the 3 nights & let the people who want a smaller party atmosphere come in on Wednesday, since that's what's happening in actuality anyway?

Just askin'.. :)

It will remain seperate in terms of name due to finanical, logistical, and organizational issues. While Shane does work for me & I do consult for the show, this is an independant gig from me and the responsiblity & burden along with the benefits are his.
Harvester said:

It will remain seperate in terms of name due to finanical, logistical, and organizational issues. While Shane does work for me & I do consult for the show, this is an independant gig from me and the responsiblity & burden along with the benefits are his.

Gotcha..thanks, Boss. :)
Harvester said:
I'll ask a single, hypothetical question and I don't want an explanation from anyone. Just choose an option:

A. We return to the Loft with the similar calibur bands from the progpower prepartys of III-V. There will be no returning main stage bands from previous years. You get to socialize and the gold badge room returns (keeping in mind that gold badge holders are the minority that night). Shanes makes a very minimal amount for his work, barely making it worth his time.

B. We return to Center Stage and you get to watch someone like Vision Divine or Freak Kitchen perform a longer set along with at least one other big name. You come in a night earlier and socialize at the karoke party on Wed night. Shane is rewarded justly for his work.

There is no other logical answer than B...... FK at the Pre-Party?
Sign my ass up! (Like I wouldn't be there anyway!)

Harvester said:
I'll ask a single, hypothetical question and I don't want an explanation from anyone. Just choose an option:

B. We return to Center Stage and you get to watch someone like Vision Divine or Freak Kitchen perform a longer set along with at least one other big name. You come in a night earlier and socialize at the karoke party on Wed night. Shane is rewarded justly for his work.
Option B :cool:
Option B... for GOD DAMN sheezy Glenn.

And people need to stop bitching about lack of time for socializing. I hosted a kick ass lunch this year at Front Page News on Friday afternoon that was a great pre-party and time to socialize for the 25-30 that showed up. Maybe more of you should show up next year.

The Pre-Party was perfect.... the bands went on at 6:30pm giving plenty of time to socialize. If you wanted to socialize, there was actually more space in the outer circle of the venue than there was upstairs. Plus, you could actually carry on a conversation in that outer circle, whereas it was incredibly difficult at the pre-party. Plus, the bar is open for a full 2 hours after the show is over. There's plenty of time to socialzie then.

And I hate to say this... but the sound crew produced a clearer sound than the actual festival (i.e. for Vision Divine I couldn't even hear the guitars). Circle II Circle and Circus Maximus, especially, sounded the best out of any bands I've ever heard at that festival, period. Shane's crew needs to work for Glenn next year.

The only thing we should do next year to make things better is find a place that serves alcohol until 4am in Atlanta Saturday night/Sunday morning -- in other words, some kind of post-party on Saturday night after the last band ends. This would seriously stem some of the depression that sets in on the walk home... hoping to find some kind of party to prolong that feeling of greatness.

If someone has a home in Atlanta near the venue that could invite people (if I lived in Atlanta I would do it in a heart beat)... that would be great. That person could simply ask for donations from sponsors willing to shell up dollars for setup of the party. I'd certainly help out with the setup for that party too.

There are many things we can do to socialize/party. Let's let Glenn and Shane work on bringing in the great music. Let's make the party our responsibility. This festival just keeps getting better and better.... rock on Glenn/Shane!

The Michael

I hate to burst your bubble, but we use essentially the same sound crew for the pre-party and the main festival. There are *multiple* factors going on in a festival situation that determine the sound that are beyond our control at times (such as the way a guitarist dials in on stage). I bring in Ernst Seider from Germany to run sound. He does sound for Helloween, Gamma Ray, Edguy, and every major tour/festival in Europe. He is absolutely revered by all of the bands. He makes my crew's job easier because he is *that damn good* and the bands shut up and listen to him because they respect him.

The difference in sound between CIIC and Vision Divine is that Vision Divine brought their own soundman and didn't use Ernie. That happens more often that you realize and those guys just aren't as good as Ernie in a festival situation where you have to adapt on the fly instead of soundchecking for three hours in the afternoon and leaving the knobs alone afterwards.
Michael TEOF said:
Option B... for GOD DAMN sheezy Glenn.
The only thing we should do next year to make things better is find a place that serves alcohol until 4am in Atlanta Saturday night/Sunday morning -- in other words, some kind of post-party on Saturday night after the last band ends. This would seriously stem some of the depression that sets in on the walk home... hoping to find some kind of party to prolong that feeling of greatness.

Won't happen, unfortunately, till the morons in Fulton co. get voted out of office.

If someone has a home in Atlanta near the venue that could invite people (if I lived in Atlanta I would do it in a heart beat)... that would be great. That person could simply ask for donations from sponsors willing to shell up dollars for setup of the party. I'd certainly help out with the setup for that party too.

Dragongrrrl and I are in town on Tuesdays, if early attendees wish to party. I don't live in-town, but I do live less than 15 minutes from the venue (up 85N in Decatur). Key being showing up on Tuesday, because from Wednesday-Saturday I'm in my room at one of the hotels.

Otherwise, I can see if we can get one of the conference rooms at one of the hotels, if anyone is up for donating to that.
Michael TEOF said:
And people need to stop bitching about...
I don't see anyone 'bitching'. I thought we were having a civil conversation till this post. Just because a person doesn't agree with your stance, doesn't make it bitching. Like I have said already, the 'show' was vastly improved. I do not think anyone will deny this. I did arrive Wednesday, knowing that my usual routine would be interrupted come pre-party time.
I did not see VD (did hear them and they sounded good) or Zero Hour but The other three bands, the sound was absolutley right on...probably the best in the three years I have been....and thanked him for it when it was over. Overall he does an outstanding job!!!