
Uber Metal
Here is a chance to lay out some of your thanks, rants and drinks for people or things that made your PPIV experience what it was.

CHEERS: First, to the man himself...Glenn H.!!! What an event. It's practically perfect. Your dedication to the music, the fans and the bands is 2nd to none and make possible everything that such an event should be.
TO ROCK&ROLL New Hampshire!! Dan and Jeff who always welcomed us to his perch above the pool to get our drink on before the days festivities. Generous, courteous and sociable...these guys WERE the party on the patio!!
TO the staff at the Fairfield. Free shuttles, courteous, informative and above all...patient with what was probably highlights of their workdays.
TO PagansMind - for the free Tshirt and everything else. Hope you guys come back.

JEERS: TO whoever may have been involved in trashing rooms at the Granada. It is my understanding that 3 rooms got trashed at the Granada. Grow the fuck up! Stuff like this will encourage the Hotels to avoid any association with ProgPower attendees,(booking bands, fans, etc.) or raise rates that week, etc. Having those hotels so close to the venue adds to the experience in some ways so lets respect the businesses who respect us.
TO the Norwegian fan who got in a fight at the Riveria with the bouncer while being tossed. And I thought those Euros could hold their alcohol...:Smug:

BEERS: TO John and Greg. Two "Laughing Skulls" for you guys. It was great to meet you and your knowledge of Prog and Power music was very insightful.
TO Ronnie of Pagans Mind, John Oliva and Zak Stevens who took the time to make my day.