Cheers and Jeers IX

Ya know, the sad thing? Usually, when you don't see someone that often, you can tell when that person is losing weight. Guess what? Jon's losing weight. One of my teammates weighed in a little less than he did, at their heaviest. It's a tough road and the first thing that changes is diet, exercise comes later.

I don't think Jon's weightloss is a sad thing at all. It's GREAT that he's starting to take steps to improve his health, and I'm sure any of us on the forum wish him all the best, because a lot of us have been there. Myself included.
I don't think Jon's weightloss is a sad thing at all. It's GREAT that he's starting to take steps to improve his health, and I'm sure any of us on the forum wish him all the best, because a lot of us have been there. Myself included.

I don't think his weight loss is a sad thing. I think it's a sad thing that everyone's harping on it, and not commending him for how far he's come in losing weight, or even recognizing that he is. That is the extremely sad thing. And this is coming from someone who is a rally person for anyone trying to lose weight. I have quite a few friends who are in the process, and have seen them go through the depression that comes with not being able to see the visual results. It's one of the reasons why people stop trying.

Anyway, this is taking the thread totally off-topic, so that's all I'm going to say on the subject, unless someone wants to take it to the OT forum.
Oh yeah, a couple of extras:

Greg, for being supercool and making sure the hotel didn't piss me off, AGAIN.
Chris and Jonathon, for bringing me the large coffee with espresso shots when I needed it most.
Definitely have to salute the PP fans. In selling metal for over 20 years, have not seen this many knowledgeable fans ever. Seems like no matter how obscure the band, you guyz really know your metal. :notworthy
Cheers; Finally got some Van Der Graaf Generator CDs (thanks Ken for bringing them down) Hanging out with the vendors like the CM and The End guys, they are really down to earth. Really cool guys and gal. Seeing Helloween. Not pissing anyone off or getting annoyed by anyone. Seeing Mike (Exploding Ned) always a pleasure and he wasn’t grumpy over the weekend. Hearing the announcement of Orphan Land, missed the first year. A FINALLY Fates Warning. Not seeing Midnight

Jeers; well the pillowcases and signs on chair backs is pretty annoying and stupid. Do these people pay for assigned seats? And what is up with all the “seat savers” and those chairs stay empty through the whole set. Damn I hope I’m not attacked for pointing this out, I’m sure others have issues with it too. Spending so much on CDs. Getting my arm licked and slobbered on by the Mustasch dude as he was climbing into our car window. Not seeing Midnight.
Definitely have to salute the PP fans. In selling metal for over 20 years, have not seen this many knowledgeable fans ever. Seems like no matter how obscure the band, you guyz really know your metal. :notworthy

We are, after all, an elite audience.

Glenn has said so, therefore it is true, just as the Sun rises in the East and Into Eternity is opening for yet another tour.

So let it be written, so let it be done.

Jeers; well the pillowcases and signs on chair backs is pretty annoying and stupid. Do these people pay for assigned seats? And what is up with all the “seat savers” and those chairs stay empty through the whole set.

I agree with this, I prefer to sit, but I also love to socialize with my family so I usually come in right as the band is starting and there are only scattered seats. Next year if someone tells me the seat is saved then fine I will sit there til that person gets back. If someone has a towel on the seat with no person sitting next to it, it will most definitely go into my lap and I will graciously hand it to the person upon return.

It is general admission for a reason.
I agree with this, I prefer to sit, but I also love to socialize with my family so I usually come in right as the band is starting and there are only scattered seats. Next year if someone tells me the seat is saved then fine I will sit there til that person gets back. If someone has a towel on the seat with no person sitting next to it, it will most definitely go into my lap and I will graciously hand it to the person upon return.

It is general admission for a reason.

Towel should go into the audience. Com'on, you move it you lose it. I don't think there is any reason to even hold the seats until the person returns and then move for them. They should have to go though what everyone else does by trying to find a seat. For myself it is extremely difficult if I enter after the house lights go down cause I can barely see as it is, the dark makes it even harder, then having to deal with those assholes, It just needs to stop.
I remember during Epic was the worse cause it seemed like every fat guy in the building was taken up two seats alone. Don't mean to sound negative but that's how it appeared.
Jeers; well the pillowcases and signs on chair backs is pretty annoying and stupid. Do these people pay for assigned seats? And what is up with all the “seat savers” and those chairs stay empty through the whole set.

I saw this last year and have to admit being a bit shocked and definitely annoyed at that.
The ONLY reason to save a seat is if someone is using the bathroom or grabbing a round of drinks. If that person is not back in under 7 minutes- You lose it.

I'd also like to see Gold Badge only seating. ;) - Alright half teasing on that one.

The seat issue is a thing every year...

Oh, one more-

Jeers to whomever decided to call me ROSE this year. That's not my name, never has been. ;)

Seat saving has always been a jeer of mine. A couple of years ago, my wife and I were looking to sit down for one of the later sets. Both of our feel were killing us and Yarley was just dead tired. We found two seats and went to sit. The woman next to them said, "this one is saved." Yardley sat down and I stood the whole set. That seat stayed empty for the ENTIRE set. There would have been no harm in me sitting there. That really pissed me off.