Cheers! Jeers!

Oops.. but hey, at least I told you beforehands it was banned here for a few years for being too yummy and hence making all the kids drink it too much! With your firsthand experience at least now you can believe this was true heh.

You are saving some of that mofo for me next year. :)
One welcome cheer this year was the speed and efficiency of the signing sessions. I got in the Hammerfall line about 15 minutes ahead of time and while I was back by Table 2, once the band arrived it took all of 10 minutes to get through the line. Same with Tarot. I liked that security was there and that limits were enforced.

A general jeer is that Center Stage has definitely seen better days. It's starting to get pretty run down.
Haha, yes. I don't know (m)any of the bands, at all so there's no big draw for me, sadly. I know of Therion and Dream Theater but am not familiar with hardly anything by either band. Every single other band announced I have never heard of.

Barring a lack of interest from any band announced (unlikely) I'll be making the trip. I'll be checking out bands today.

I'm listening to some of the bands now.. very impressed with what I hear.
I'm sure I'll forget stuff. I'm still burnt from PP.

- Tides (Tarot). Highlight of the weekend!
- Nocturnal Rites, Tarot, DGM especially
- seeing/catching up with all my PP buddies again. Biffle, Clark, Greg & Paula, Kittybeast, Nathan & Tammy, Mr. Annihilator Erwin, Bari & Lekk, Wayne, Rick & Barb, Danae, Wes, Tuan, Scott Curry, Steve, Dave, and many more
- The new people I met, especially Andy (The other 9/11 birthday person). You're a good dude & I really enjoyed chattin with ya! Also PP 1st timers Ali, Chris, Scottson (?), and others
- PP 1st timer Ali for buying me a Captain during Tarot. You were right. I didn't need water. I needed booze.:lol:
- Extra cheer for Scott Curry. Been 5 years since we've seen each other & it was great to catch up with you again, brother!!! We missed you!
- CARLOS!!! You FINALLY made it to PP after all these years!
- Cheer to a close buddy who did a good job keeping it together Saturday night after bullshit drama ensued. "Never let the bastards bring you down!"
- Extensive, in depth musical chats with Nathan. Always a pleasure!
- Paradox still being on the shirt & Gold Badge
- EXPLODING NED'S!!!! You took all my money!
- Getting a Lake of Tears shirt from Ned's.
- The singer of Oceans of Sadness & the guy at the insider sale for having cool Lost discussions with me.
- The $10 Rhapsody shirt from CM table
- Next Year, Eldritch (finally!), Mob Rules, Arcturus

- Paradox breaking up
- No Paradox shirts at any vendors...oh well.
- The 5 or so people who just had to give me shit for wearing a Van Halen "5150" shirt. Fuck you. For the record, I'm probably the only person who prefers Hagar over Roth. I'll say it again: Hagar > Roth!
- People who just have to give others shit, like the 2 guys who gave me shit for wearing a Lost shirt, or the guy who gave Scott shit for wearing a Keel shirt, then gave him shit the next day for wearing a Poison shirt. When did PP gain a "Fashion Police Squad" as a buddy of mine put it.
- People who enjoy creating drama for others.
- Limited $
- Missing Accept
- The Noctunal Rites encore incident

I think thats it. Great weekend!
Wasn't on premises this year, but that doesn't stop me from the cheers:

- Glenn/Jen, Shane, and Wednesday Organizers (Nathan the lord of Swords, etc...) for setting the whole thing up and running it through.
- The Bands for Accepting Glenn's invitations and following through on their work :)
- The Audience for being there.
- The Hotels for their services
- The Vendors for their wares
- Open Restaurants for not being closed.

Jeers to:

The Clock and Calendar - for being too sluggish when you want it to speed up and too quick when you need a stretch
Poorly adjusted HVAC - Nobody needs to be too hot or too cold.
Budget - for not being endless

That's probably good enough from me :)
You must have missed the red headed Bama fan in Vinyl who was standing up on chairs yelling "Roll Fucking Tide" !! Two guesses who that was .. first one doesn't count.


In interests of keeping myself from being dragged away in a coat that buckles the arms in the back, I thought I'd watch the game solo in my hotel room. Stupid me, I was at a metal festival. The line for involuntary committals would never have reached me. :lol:
One welcome cheer this year was the speed and efficiency of the signing sessions. I got in the Hammerfall line about 15 minutes ahead of time and while I was back by Table 2, once the band arrived it took all of 10 minutes to get through the line. Same with Tarot. I liked that security was there and that limits were enforced.

I want to thank everyone that stood in the lines and played by the rules. It was less than a dozen times that we actually had to rush an over-excited fan along the way because he/she was holding up the line.

To Hammerfall for sticking it out. These guys had originally asked to cut the line after 30 minutes. Thus the decision to limit the session to 1 item. After 30 minutes, they agreed to accommodate everyone in line.
A line that would normally take almost 2 hours went through in just under an hour. Thanks to both the band and the fans!!

lol, hey, I come by my Bama (and Sanctuary:D) fandom naturally... and it *was* Penn State! Bamafan, you'll know better next year. ;) I am usually hard to miss, even moreso at ProgPower, and good Dio, when there's an Alabama game on, well, lots of people were probably trying very hard to miss me by that point. :lol:

- The 5 or so people who just had to give me shit for wearing a Van Halen "5150" shirt. Fuck you. For the record, I'm probably the only person who prefers Hagar over Roth. I'll say it again: Hagar > Roth!

You're not alone. :p

Shaye F. Breed
In fairness to Shaye - she was really only standing ON the chair once, maybe twice, and that was only after touchdowns. Overall I would say she was very well behaved, thanks in part to her chaperon :)

Roll Tide