Cheers and Jeers IX

Wow, people have really been cracking on her lately. I don't know her, but does she really deserve this abuse? Give compliments instead of criticism, that's the philosophy I live by. I like to spread sunshine instead of raining on everyone's parade, but that's just the kind of generous, selfless person I am.

All sunshine and magnanimity, that's you alright. Don't know how your wife puts up with it. She must just want to gag from all the syrupy sweetness sometimes. Poor woman.

All sunshine and magnanimity, that's you alright. Don't know how your wife puts up with it. She must just want to gag from all the syrupy sweetness sometimes. Poor woman.


Actually, my wife is the luckiest woman I've ever known. I envy her for being married to ME. Some girls have all the luck.
* The people that got out of hand during IE's set. PP is not the place for moshing. One drunk guy almost got clobbered (not by me).

Yep, this is my only jeer. As much into IE's set as I was before those guys started that, it totally brought me down. Didn't completely ruin the set, but it sure was a bummer. I tried to explain to them calmly to just calm down a bit, but the only response from them I got was to go sit down. Any other event, that is unfortunately part of it, but I assumed PP still had the no moshing rule in effect, so that really annoyed me, and the fiancee was just about to punch some of them. I tried to go find someone who could do something about it, but wasn't successful. *shrug*
Cheers: Rob Rock, Mustache, Jon Oliva's Pain, and Iced Earth for beating me up Sat. night
Cheers to Rider of Theil for getting me a ticket the Gamma Ray/Helloween show. It really cheered me up when I was at my lowest.:)
Cheers to Ernie for giving me a badge, WHAT A TREAT! I had not planned on attending this year for financial reasons(being a family man ain't cheap!), but there I was, and seeing everone truly reminded me of why I love this fest and music in general. I've been through a lot this year and this fest was like painkiller.
Jeers: to anyone who whines about the same stuff year after year. Shut up and learn to have fun already!:rock:
MWAHAHAHA! You have fallen into my little trap!

And what a nasty trap it is!

obviously it doesn't impair his ability to be Jon Oliva, one of the greatest in his profession.

I don't know. I think it seriously impairs his singing ability. It makes me sad that his life will probably be shorter than it should be though due to his weight. He's such a great guy, I'd like to see him continue performing for a long, long time.
I don't know. I think it seriously impairs his singing ability. It makes me sad that his life will probably be shorter than it should be though due to his weight. He's such a great guy, I'd like to see him continue performing for a long, long time.

You said it man. There are absolutely no health benefits of being as large as he is. When your body is your instrument, it stands to reason that it will be adversely affected by not taking proper care of it.

To those who traveled with me this year for easing the financial burden.

To OrbWeaver for being the best eye candy any metalhead could ask for.

To Circle II Circle for making the Wednesday night show worth seeing.

To Helloween and Gamma Ray for putting on the best power metal show I've ever seen.

To Denis Gulbey for finally setting up shop at another metal festival.

To Lance King for having a copy of Twilight's "Eye For An Eye."

To Pathosray for sounding just as great live as they do on their album (perhaps better!).

To Andromeda for making me the happiest little boy ever.

To Saint Deamon for being a kick-ass opener for Saturday.

To Rob Rock for being one of the best singers I've ever heard on stage.

To Jon Oliva for putting on his best show yet (out of the ones I've seen).

To Andre Andersen, Andre Matos, and Jim Matheos for finally realizing that this fest is worth playing.


To my idiot friends who couldn't make up their minds about going and making me wait to book a hotel room for months, thus leaving no choice but to go with one of the most expensive hotels in the area. To make matters worse, none of them ended up going!

To Midnight (I think it's been discussed to death, so I'll leave it at that!).

To those who attended the karaoke party who a) have no sense of humor, and b) have no idea of the potential that Taylor Dayne's "Tell It To My Heart" has of being a great metal cover.

To the vendors for not carrying enough copies of the new Communic album.

To my friend Justin for snagging the only copy of Elegy's "Lost" in the entire vendor area.

To Rob Rock for making me want to retire as a singer.

To Iced Earth for taking forever to hit the stage. Joan and I left after an hour of waiting, and from what I heard from our friends who stayed, we made the right choice.

To Joan for having no shame when it comes to bodily functions (I'm dating a classy broad! Just kidding! I love you, babe!).

Finally, to myself for waiting so long to contribute to this thread that I had to read through twelve pages of posts! What can I say? I thought I'd end up in somebody's jeers for my karaoke stunt!

Stay metal. Never rust.
Jeers for John Oliva's doctor--letting a guy get that fat is a fucking crime.

What a shitty thing to say.
Shame on you. :mad:

While it's unfortunate that his circumstances and his choices have led to the situation he is currently in with regard to his weight, he is still Jon Oliva at the end of the day.

I have yet to meet a sweeter, gentler and more kindhearted guy and I'm proud to call him my friend.

We all hope that his health improves, and we all want him to be around and performing for as long as possible.

I have known people who were just as big, if not bigger, and they could barely walk to their mailboxes...yet there's Jon up on stage under those hot-ass lights just singing and playing his heart out for people like you and all you can come up with is a Jeer about his weight?

Dude...bad form. :Puke:
It's not an attack on JO, it's a disappointment on his choices (edit: or condition, we really have no idea how or why it happened). We feel bad about the fact that he's THAT big, and we'd like to see him drop a ton of it so he can be around longer.

A little crudely put, sure, but the spirit behind it was in the right direction. :)

edit 2: Also guys, it's not like we're all running around like Johnny 6 pack at the fest either.
It's not an attack on JO, it's a disappointment on his choices. We feel bad about the fact that he's THAT big, and we'd like to see him drop a ton of it so he can be around longer.

A little crudely put, sure, but the spirit behind it was in the right direction. :)

Ya know, the sad thing? Usually, when you don't see someone that often, you can tell when that person is losing weight. Guess what? Jon's losing weight. One of my teammates weighed in a little less than he did, at their heaviest. It's a tough road and the first thing that changes is diet, exercise comes later.

Fair enough.
I just have a zero tolerance for people who are too stupid or lazy to use a little tact.


He does look like he's lost some weight...I noticed that too.
You're absolutely right that it's a slow process.
In retrospect though, I think about how big he was at BARfest I, for instance, compared to last weekend... he's definitely shrinking. :)

Also, for the first time in a long time, the ever-present bottle o' Jager was NOWHERE TO BE FOUND.

That stuff is so jam-packed full of sugar...
Ow, forgot one thing!!!!!!


Coming back from a shoot walking back to go inside they were leaving (to me it was shocking to see Nathan leaving as he is always dead center front). So I asked, "hey.. isn't Iced Earth playing next? Why is everyone leaving??"

And both of them in a very serious tone and face said, "No! No. Can you believe it? They just f*cking canceled. No Iced Earth tonight."

And I believed it for a second because they canceled the signing session and blah blah blah.. My face was probably priceless in that moment.

JEERS TO THAT!!! But I guess that's my bad Karma for tricking my friends with the Andi/Allen thing. :blush:


HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KARMA :rock:
- looking up the Residence Inn price just before leaving and finding out that it is $45 cheaper than what it was reserved at, and getting them to adjust it at check in.

I think we need to start a revolt on that one...losing 135 bucks that we could have spent on Merch and Beer is a fucking crime.

I am calling the Mariotte and Amex right now...

Mariotte the company and the Hotel are both telling me to go pound sand.
Even more reason...