Paul "Pellaz" Cashman - for being one of my best friends and for getting me interested in ProgPower these many years ago. Paul would give a friend his last dollar if he thought it would help them out.
Yardleybates and Yippee38 - for offering a complete stranger (that would be me) a seat at the forum lunch at Front Page News.
Jesse - was a very outgoing, really cool chick. I was glad to meet her.
Freakchylde - Lara is awesome.
FatesFan and Edgeofthorns - for grabbing me out of a crowd to say hi.
Exploding "BOOM!" Ned - c'mon, it's Mike. He was there helping me find cool CDs before I had access to the internet.
Rider of Theli - Hoyt treats me with respect and with tact. Thanks, buddy!
Jon Oliva - for playing a lot of songs that mean a lot to me personally - including "Believe" and "When The Crowds Are Gone."
and Glenn, of course, who always makes me feel included.
Paul summed up the hotel issues.
Some guy spilling beer on me and the guy sitting two seats over from me (!). Enjoy your adult beverages, guys, but be somewhat conscientious.
"Con crud," or, in this case, "festival crud."
Hardly any restaurants with later hours within walking distance.