Breaking The Law


Old fart on this board
Apr 15, 2001
Fin fuggen land

It took it's time but now I have the drums basically ready. All I need now is to mix all the 7 tracks together and it's finished.

What I need now is some tips on the mixing job. I haven't done much of anykind of mixing, and this is my first attempt at drums...

I uploaded a clip of a raw mixdown, it's just the tracks mixed together with no effects of anykind and I didn't alter the volume levels either. Here's a link to that clip:

All suggestions are welcome. :)
Eddy said:

It took it's time but now I have the drums basically ready. All I need now is to mix all the 7 tracks together and it's finished.

What I need now is some tips on the mixing job. I haven't done much of anykind of mixing, and this is my first attempt at drums...

I uploaded a clip of a raw mixdown, it's just the tracks mixed together with no effects of anykind and I didn't alter the volume levels either. Here's a link to that clip:

All suggestions are welcome. :)

I think that you'll need to bring the high hat level down, especially the pedal hat sound. The kick drum is really massive, you might need to back off on it a little bit too. It's hard to tell right now for sure without hearing the drums mixed with other instruments.:cool:
Do you plan to keep the tracks until the final mixdown? I think what you have will suffice to record to..then once all the instruments are done, we can fine tune the levels of each. I pretty much agree with Hyde's comments.
Yeah, and if, for some reason, I delete the files I can always hammer them down again from the original IT file...

I'll upload the whole track asap to my webspace. Will post the link later.

Oh, and that pedal hat is there just to help keeping the timing, I intend to leave it off from the final track as the original doesn't have it either. :)
I've thought of doing a version on my own as my band's bass player thought we'd manage better without him and I had to take over the bass once again. So as I have the possibility I might as well take the advantage of it...

I think Rabies volunteered for the second (erm, other would probably be more suitable expression) guitar originally... BUT, if you want to do it, I could do the bass and leave the guitarwork for you and Rabs.

It would also be easier for me that way because I wouldn't have to go through the hassle of borrowing the guitar gear from our guitarhero (as I don't have the equipment myself)...

So, if no one has any objections we could do it this way. Cool?

Oh, I uploaded the rough drum track just minutes ago. Here's the link:
Eddy said:
I've thought of doing a version on my own as my band's bass player thought we'd manage better without him and I had to take over the bass once again. So as I have the possibility I might as well take the advantage of it...

I think Rabies volunteered for the second (erm, other would probably be more suitable expression) guitar originally... BUT, if you want to do it, I could do the bass and leave the guitarwork for you and Rabs.

It would also be easier for me that way because I wouldn't have to go through the hassle of borrowing the guitar gear from our guitarhero (as I don't have the equipment myself)...

So, if no one has any objections we could do it this way. Cool?

Oh, I uploaded the rough drum track just minutes ago. Here's the link:[/QUOTE]

Cool. I had some free time today so I recorded a guitar track for it. You aren't obligated to use it, if you decide you would rather do the guitar yourself.

I might have to email it to you though unless I can find out why I can't log on to the ftp. Anyone else having problems with it?
Now that you mentioned it, I checked..and cannot access either...just like I could not access for awhile. EC will have to look into it.

Can you mail it to me as well? Will make it easier to lay down my guitar line. I have never played this song it easy? I belive it is..does it even have a solo?
rabies said:
Now that you mentioned it, I checked..and cannot access either...just like I could not access for awhile. EC will have to look into it.

Can you mail it to me as well? Will make it easier to lay down my guitar line. I have never played this song it easy? I belive it is..does it even have a solo?
It's really easy.:cool: I did my track from memory. I didn't stay totally true to some of the timings that the album has because I thought it best that I follow the drum track. I don't think I changed it too drastically.
You shouldn't have a problem playing along with it.

BTW... is your email still that's where I sent the file.
Wow, that was fast!

You can email the file to

I'm in the process of training the basslines to get my playing confident enough, should have a track recorded quite soon. Won't be promising anything, though...
I can lay my guitar part down in 1 hour (recording, compressing, etc). BUT...I am waiting on some new 1/4 cables to show up - couple of my old ones went bad..and now I am short 1. Hopefully I get them tomorrow so I can record it this weekend. I will bang this out quick.
Cool! :cool:

After getting the drums done this seems to be in the finishing stages quite fast. Excellent. :cool:

I'll probably have the bass recorded some time during the next week. Hell, could be even tomorrow as I have nothing else to do...

7th: I'll do a rough mix of drums and Hyde's guitar for you to sing along to. I'll upload it to my webspace during the next 24 hours.
Eddy said:
Cool! :cool:

After getting the drums done this seems to be in the finishing stages quite fast. Excellent. :cool:

I'll probably have the bass recorded some time during the next week. Hell, could be even tomorrow as I have nothing else to do...

7th: I'll do a rough mix of drums and Hyde's guitar for you to sing along to. I'll upload it to my webspace during the next 24 hours.

Okay, I admit it took longer than the 24 hours I promised but my connection decided to fuck up a good few times. After four tries I got the file uploaded, and it only took a bit over 4000 seconds according to the ftp app I use.... The rough mix is at It also has the bass mixed in, but there's a little fuck up in the end that I have to patch up... Other than that I think it's ready.
Eddy said:
Okay, I admit it took longer than the 24 hours I promised but my connection decided to fuck up a good few times. After four tries I got the file uploaded, and it only took a bit over 4000 seconds according to the ftp app I use.... The rough mix is at It also has the bass mixed in, but there's a little fuck up in the end that I have to patch up... Other than that I think it's ready.

well done Eddy
I'll work on it asap!
btw where can I ship the voc track to??

I hope we can do "the rage" soon as well
its ofF the same LP

its the one with the lil bass line
from a fire ball we came ! across sea and mountain.