Breaking The Law

You can e-mail the vox track to me at

Send a dry track if you may, I wanna try my skills on mixing this bugger. :)

I have to admit that I don't know many songs from Priest... But if you can supply me a mp3 of the song I'll check it out. :)
7thSon said:
well done Eddy
I'll work on it asap!
btw where can I ship the voc track to??

I hope we can do "the rage" soon as well
its ofF the same LP

its the one with the lil bass line
from a fire ball we came ! across sea and mountain.

That's a cool song too. I'd also like to do Metal Gods.
Mmkay, I did a bit of experimenting with my bass setup today.

Until now I have used nothing but the instrument cable in between my bass and soundcard, and the sound hasn't been too good.. Now I tested what I could do with my old guitar amp... One of the results can be heard on a mp3 I just uploaded to

Tell me what you think about it. It's quite... Different... :lol:
How about doing a Motorhead song next? ;) :lol:

Anyway, that's just a test, I'll most probably get a cleaner sound for the final track...

I'll hammer the final track down either today or tomorrow. :cool:
The vox are ok, I think.

I have two working mixes done now, one with the distorted bass and one with a clean bass.

Now all I need to make a final mix is Rabies' guitar part. Yo Rabs, got them cables yet? :cool:
Eddy said:
Now all I need to make a final mix is Rabies' guitar part. Yo Rabs, got them cables yet? :cool:

Had the cables almost a week. Have two tracks burned down...but they are exhibiting the problem I have mentioned in other threads..where they start in time and phase out of time. I was hoping by now that I would have fixed the problem..but things are not going my way. What I'll probably end up doing is modifying the tracks I have and force them in time. :yuk: You should have something soon..even if I am not happy with the way things are going.
So I have good news and bad news.

The good news is that I finally figured out the problem with my recording setup, fixed it, and recorded 2 takes of this song.

The bad news is that the problem was with my 80GB recording drive that I bought about a year ago to handle all the duties of recording/archiving these songs. It is going kaput..and was clearly having problems writing the wav files fast enough during the recording process. I switched to my other internal drives and voila... no problems.

I guess that is not soo bad news for you I can record again..but I am not sure what to do with my drive..which is now over 70% with IMG tracks and assorted mp3 files. It must be going bad if it is exhibiting these behaviors.

Anyway, Eddy, you should have an email. I originally recorded two tracks and was going to put them together. A 7-string recording the 'low' parts and a six string recording the high and accent parts....and fuse them together much like Hyde did with his track..but after playing it back..all those guitars started getting I just sent you the 7-string track. If you want the 6-string track..let me know...and if you don't like how I 'altered' one part of the song specific to the 7-string..let me know as well..though I think it is kinda cool. :cool:
Let me know if it has too many mistakes too...I kinda went with 1 take..I was so excited to get it recorded in time..I didn't want to keep trying and jinx something. =)

ps. I would not recommend a hard right-left pan on the guitar sounded better on my recording mix when I had them maybe 70% panned each.
That is definately bad news with the hd...

I'm experiencing some bizarre problems with my old hd, which I have almost completely kept for mp3 and recording stuff... Gotta get new hd as soon as I can afford it, and a cd burner too, to get all those mp3s off of the fixed disk....

Anyway, I'm downloading your track as I type this and will let you know what I think asap.

Hmmm... Now that you mentioned that you did two tracks for it, maybe it could use a third guitar there too.... Well, I'll see what I can come up with. :)

And don't worry about the mistakes, my track has few fuck ups too. I tried to fix them but everytime I tried a punch in recordin I got this weird noise on the recorded part. And everytime I did a whole new take, I ended up doing the same fuck ups as everytime.:erk:

I did little experimenting on the panning stuff a while ago. I recorded another guitar track (and noticed how sucky the sound actually is with single coiled guitar plugged straight to a shitty amp... :hurl: ) and tried how it would sound with different pannings... To be honest, I've never been too fond of too hard panned guitars, especially on some harmony thingmabobs... Anyway, 60/60 pan sounded reasonably good but we'll see when I get the real thing done. :cool:

And 7th, I got the vox and gave them a quick listen. The last track sounds quite good. Although I haven't tried to mix them with the instruments yet. Will keep you guys posted as I know ad progress more. :cool:
Listening to the guitar track at the mo. :cool:

I like the little 'alteration' you did with the middle part. :cool:

Send the 6-stringer track too. I wanna do some more experimenting with this. :cool:

My my, am I a :cool: or what? :lol:
Fuck! Typed up a reply and lost it because of the connection. :mad:

Anyway, I'm uploading a mixdown to my webspace right now. Will post the link later.

I ended up panning Rabies' guitars to about 80 or 90 for the 6-stringer and to about 60 or 70 for the 7-stringer. Did the same to Hyde' guitar, with the exception of using only one wav file, naturally...

I didn't use much reverb, or any other effets for that matter. Just a bit for the snare to make it sound more 'spacey,' some for Hyde's track to match it with Rabies' track and just a little bit for the vocals.

Ah, the upload ended. The file is at

The bass may be a bit too high in the mix. Because the sound is what it is, I had to bring it up so it could even be heard....

That's about it, I think. All comments welcome! :)